Merry Christmas to you and your family! We did send out Christmas cards, but they got sent out you probably won't get it until this weekend! Sorry!
We are chilling in Ely tonight, maybe go to the Christmas Eve service? We will open presents tomorrow morning and than go sledding...
Merry Christmas...remember Christmas wouldn't be if Christ didn't come...thank you Jesus!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Well, Jack and Nancy made it up about 11pm Friday night safe and sound!~It was a cold weekend, but when it hit 5 degrees above zero we were heading to the park to ice skate! We didn't make it too long, especially the kids their toes were frozen! Mark, Nancy and I decided to get a few things at the grocery store, and you would normally think we would get in the car and drive there, but b/c we live in Ely...we walked, pulling our sled behind us, so it could carry the grocery's back to our house! (we live about 5 blocks away)...
Sunday was a hard day for Mark and I...our church had a pastor candidate at Ely Baptist...He was fresh out of Bethel College and seemed quite promising. Wow...we didn't agree with him on the fundamentals so, we are going to be looking for another church. They voted him in 28-4. I did pray and ask God for a clear answer, and thank you was crystal clear...Pray for us, this is going to be hard socially for us, and I don't want this to jeopardize what the Lord has been doing in the Bible study we have been doing! How bittersweet? Hope you have a great Christmas, we will be in Ely for the Holidays! Lord Bless!
Sunday was a hard day for Mark and I...our church had a pastor candidate at Ely Baptist...He was fresh out of Bethel College and seemed quite promising. Wow...we didn't agree with him on the fundamentals so, we are going to be looking for another church. They voted him in 28-4. I did pray and ask God for a clear answer, and thank you was crystal clear...Pray for us, this is going to be hard socially for us, and I don't want this to jeopardize what the Lord has been doing in the Bible study we have been doing! How bittersweet? Hope you have a great Christmas, we will be in Ely for the Holidays! Lord Bless!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Cold weather, a blessing?
Wow, who would have thought that this cold weather could be a blessing? But, today at Bible Study, my friend Kristi says that the guys at the college haven't been out of control, b/c of the weather, it's too cold to go outside and stir up trouble! It was an answer to prayer for her and us!
Sydney baked cookies at preschool on Tuesday, today had a AWANA christmas party and tomorrow she has school and than a birthday party at the GEL. She is one busy girl!
We had bible study today and it was great!!! We talked about how science and religion go hand in hand and science can't contradict God's Laws of Beginnings and Causes...really interesting stuff, I am not a science buff, so it was nice to scratch the surface and still understand!
Mark is keeping busy at work, he usually stays with Sydney while she is at AWANA and does the Bible Study...
We got invited out to dinner at the Ellerbrooks last night...we had a good time, and boy is she a great cook!
Jack and Nancy are going to get their dog sled team together and head up here for the weekend. We are all looking forward to seeing them, it's been since the beginning of November since we had seen them last...
I am hosting a Birthday party bash for Jesus next monday, the kids are donating a toy to Jesus and we are going to have a cake and everything, just trying to distract them from "getting"... Pray we can donate the toys to someone special who God can show His love towards this holiday season....
Well, I would say, come up and enjoy ELY...but, WAIT until its a little warmer!
Sydney baked cookies at preschool on Tuesday, today had a AWANA christmas party and tomorrow she has school and than a birthday party at the GEL. She is one busy girl!
We had bible study today and it was great!!! We talked about how science and religion go hand in hand and science can't contradict God's Laws of Beginnings and Causes...really interesting stuff, I am not a science buff, so it was nice to scratch the surface and still understand!
Mark is keeping busy at work, he usually stays with Sydney while she is at AWANA and does the Bible Study...
We got invited out to dinner at the Ellerbrooks last night...we had a good time, and boy is she a great cook!
Jack and Nancy are going to get their dog sled team together and head up here for the weekend. We are all looking forward to seeing them, it's been since the beginning of November since we had seen them last...
I am hosting a Birthday party bash for Jesus next monday, the kids are donating a toy to Jesus and we are going to have a cake and everything, just trying to distract them from "getting"... Pray we can donate the toys to someone special who God can show His love towards this holiday season....
Well, I would say, come up and enjoy ELY...but, WAIT until its a little warmer!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sweet Sydney
We have been having a lot of cold weather day we woke up to -19!'s a blizzard out there right now, our Sunday School program was cancelled for tonight. I haven't written lately, but have been meaning too...Sydney's preschool teacher came up to me last Thursday and put her arm around me and said, "Sydney is just so sweet in class, everytime I bring up Santa Clause, she tells me, Mrs. Lah, Christmas is about Jesus' birth, not Santa!...she said that she is so proud of her, b/c no other kids care about Jesus' like she does and how she doesn't care about presents, just that Jesus gets recognized for Christmas!"...I was praying this season that I could impact the kids towards Jesus this season and not on the other things we get distracted with! She wrote a letter to Santa Clause with her preshool, and she said "Santa, Christmas is about when Jesus was born in Bethlehem...and she asked for presents for everyone of us, except herself! I am just so thankful for her selfless attitude! Ineed to be more like that! Don't forget the real reason of Christmas...our ticket to heaven, escaping hell!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Bible Study update
Just updating you guys on my Bible Study. First, thank you for praying, it truly helped!
We started out by addressing the fact that there have been some questions and asked them to please feel free to ask...So, they unloaded, great questions...Who wrote the Bible? Is divorce ok if you are getting abused? How do we know if our pastor is decieving us? Can you argue someone's belief? Is the Bible open to interpretation or is black/white?
I was so excited that they are really searching and not just wanting to do our bible study for social's truly to have purpose...
So they decided they wanted to first study the validity of the Bible first and than move on w/the the next 4 lessons are going to be from a study called "examine the exidence". We address all their questions, plus have an opportunity to accept Christ...HOW EXCITING!
Couple of prayer requests...these women would be saved, Kristi's family is struggling w/their job up here due to some threats by college kids, my testimony to be real and that I desire God w/my whole heart! THANK YOU!
We started out by addressing the fact that there have been some questions and asked them to please feel free to ask...So, they unloaded, great questions...Who wrote the Bible? Is divorce ok if you are getting abused? How do we know if our pastor is decieving us? Can you argue someone's belief? Is the Bible open to interpretation or is black/white?
I was so excited that they are really searching and not just wanting to do our bible study for social's truly to have purpose...
So they decided they wanted to first study the validity of the Bible first and than move on w/the the next 4 lessons are going to be from a study called "examine the exidence". We address all their questions, plus have an opportunity to accept Christ...HOW EXCITING!
Couple of prayer requests...these women would be saved, Kristi's family is struggling w/their job up here due to some threats by college kids, my testimony to be real and that I desire God w/my whole heart! THANK YOU!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Fun Weekend
Well, we had an enjoyable weekend...the parade Friday night was a little shorter than I expected, but the kids had fun playing with friends! Thursday night we walked all over town, running into friends and chatting while we shopped, it was beautiful b/c we got 3.5 inches of snow! Saturday was a little more traumatic for us...Alli had a "dolly" fall on her, the kind that helps move big furniture! We thought she might have broke her nose, but thankfully she didn't! Carter bit his tongue so hard that we could see flaps of skin! OUCH!!! and his chin was pretty much cut open! No stiches thankfully! Poor kids!
Heidi was told Wednesday that her permanent home is in Detroit Lakes with our aunt and uncle for the next 2 is glad to be out of the foster care program! Thank you Lord!
I have been dealing with a new question in my ladies bible study...they were asking how scripture is the ultimate authority when men wrote the Bible, not God...and really wondering if the bible is just a really good self help we are researching and going to be going over this in our next Bible study, please keep me in prayer!
Heidi was told Wednesday that her permanent home is in Detroit Lakes with our aunt and uncle for the next 2 is glad to be out of the foster care program! Thank you Lord!
I have been dealing with a new question in my ladies bible study...they were asking how scripture is the ultimate authority when men wrote the Bible, not God...and really wondering if the bible is just a really good self help we are researching and going to be going over this in our next Bible study, please keep me in prayer!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you and yours has a fun filled thanksgiving...."come into his courts with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise" 'be thankful unto him and bless his name!" Praise God for our country, family, love and many blessings!
Our turkey is cooking now and we are going out to downtown Ely to have some neighborhood shopping fun!
Our turkey is cooking now and we are going out to downtown Ely to have some neighborhood shopping fun!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Getting Outside!

I filled up with gas for only $41 today! I was so excited?! That filled 25.75 gallons!!! HOW EXCITING!
Tomorrow we are meeting friends on the trazona and playing in the snow and than going to their house for lunch.
Sunday's program was pretty neat, mainly music and thanking God for being such a good God. The only weird part was when we finished with the hymn "When we all get to heaven"...since we were from all different religions, I just thought it was weird. Our church is doing movie nights Sunday nights and this Sunday is playing the movie "Facing the Giants"...if you haven't seen got to! It's great.
We were planning on visiting Heidi this weekend up in DL, but the 11 hour drive is holding us back, so it's Ely all weekend long :) I will let you know how it goes...
Can't wait until Thanksgiving! Trying to think of a good tradition we can start as a family...Also, I have been thinking about how the world and even us christians fog the whole Christmas season by focusing on shopping, gifts and baking...I really want my kids to focus on Christ and what he gave us for the season, so if you have any ideas on what I can do to really have the kids enjoy christmas by Christ as the focus...I am all ears!!!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
We headed to the cities Friday night (a week ago) and made it before 10pm! Finally! We got to bed early, so Mark could go out hunting...Saturday, we hung around Jack & Nancy's most the day and had fun reconnecting with friends on Sunday...Monday we had an all day playdate at Tiffany' was great to see my old friends and watch how their kids have grown! Almost all were pregnant...Karie & I were the only non-prego people! :) Tuesday Mark got up early one last time to hunt, while we had Shannon Fure & Jack over...we had so much fun catching up and swapping books! Tuesday night we headed up to the cabin in Brainerd and enjoyed some R&R, we decided to stay in the area an extra couple of days at a hotel. We took the kids to see Madagascar II. It was cute! It was nice to have the theatre to ourselves, so Alli could roam as she needed too...I shopped until I dropped and than, we headed back to Ely last Saturday afternoon...we made a quick stop in Grand Rapids, at Judy Garland's birthplace...let me tell you! It was the PERFECT place for kids!!! If you have a day or weekend get away! I promise you will be there with your kids for a minimum of 4 hours! IT WAS FABULOUS!!! This week has been low key for us, b/c we came down with colds :(...but I am thankful it was last week instead of this coming week. Wednesday we had ladies bible study, talking about how use to divorce and satan blinds us to what truth is! We had pastie night on Tuesday night and had Bill and Doreen over for dinner! I practiced making a pumpkin pie for thanksgiving, and it was a hit...nummy! Well...we had church today and tonight we actually have a Thanksgathering service, all the churches in town gather at Ely Baptist and worship Christ and have a thanksgiving service (Im curious to see if anyone gets up to speak, and questioning the whole idea, b/c we all believe differently...but we are going to check it out and leave if we need too) We are having Thanksgiving all by ourselves this year...kind of fun...first time ever! Jack and Nancy flew out to Sharon and Brandon's for a while and Brenda and Kirk are driving up to them too...Anyways, sorry the post is so long! I had to catch up from last week when we had colds. Miss you guys!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election is OVER!
I am so thankful the Election is OVER! This has been one long ride. I am disappointed that McCain didn't win, but know that I did my part by using my vote to the fullest. I can't change the outcome and stressing out about it doesn't help any! I am frankly ready for the media to complain about the democratic party for a change, finally if they screw up our economy, soliders, etc...the republicans are NOT going to blamed...I am happy for the breakthrough for the africian americans...
Enough about the elections!
We have been takign advantage of the beautiful weather we have been having the past few days, I think we walked about 4 miles or so...soaking up the sun!
I am not looking forward to the rain coming and than the snow. We are heading to the Cities for hunting season this Friday afternoon! We will be in the cities for a few days or so!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Visit to the Cities!
We just got back this morning from the cities...and I am so tired...we left at 8:15 and made it on time for Sydney to make her Halloween party at preschool today! She dressed up as an angel.
I drove down Tuesday morning early to make court at 9:30.
The Court hearing to was to see if Heidi should go back to my parents or not. No decision was actually made but, should be made by 30 days...It lasted an extra day which was unexpected, we learned alot of new things, and learned how the courts system works...glad I am not an attorney! Holy cow, you have to be quick on your feet and in your thinking with people, asking them questions to incriminate themselves...very fascinating! Heidi got on the stand even and told the court that she didn't want to go home, that brave soul! Anyways, Heidi is going to move this weekend up to Detroit Lakes to live with my aunt and uncle, knowning the judge hasn't ordered her to DL and issuing a transfer of legal custody yet...its hard not knowing and not being able to get on with her life! She is excited to start the new quarter at DL for school, so she won't be just the "new kid" they all start new classes starting Monday...
Jack took care of the kids both days, even missing a day of deer stand fixing with his buddy to watch my little rugrats! Isn't that sweet?! the kids adored him and had fun pretty much jumping on the trampoline and running outside bare-foot! :) The weather has been surprisingly pleasant, and I am thankful for every warm minute we got!
Tomorrow is Halloween, and Sydney is going to be "snow white", Carter will be a "cow" and Alli will be a "puppy"...We are having a Halloween party at our house tomorrow night with friends, we will be eating, trick or treating and than playing games with the kids. We also will visit the wolf center, nursing home, pamida and apartments, during the day as well as the library during the day!
Happy Halloween!!!!
I drove down Tuesday morning early to make court at 9:30.
The Court hearing to was to see if Heidi should go back to my parents or not. No decision was actually made but, should be made by 30 days...It lasted an extra day which was unexpected, we learned alot of new things, and learned how the courts system works...glad I am not an attorney! Holy cow, you have to be quick on your feet and in your thinking with people, asking them questions to incriminate themselves...very fascinating! Heidi got on the stand even and told the court that she didn't want to go home, that brave soul! Anyways, Heidi is going to move this weekend up to Detroit Lakes to live with my aunt and uncle, knowning the judge hasn't ordered her to DL and issuing a transfer of legal custody yet...its hard not knowing and not being able to get on with her life! She is excited to start the new quarter at DL for school, so she won't be just the "new kid" they all start new classes starting Monday...
Jack took care of the kids both days, even missing a day of deer stand fixing with his buddy to watch my little rugrats! Isn't that sweet?! the kids adored him and had fun pretty much jumping on the trampoline and running outside bare-foot! :) The weather has been surprisingly pleasant, and I am thankful for every warm minute we got!
Tomorrow is Halloween, and Sydney is going to be "snow white", Carter will be a "cow" and Alli will be a "puppy"...We are having a Halloween party at our house tomorrow night with friends, we will be eating, trick or treating and than playing games with the kids. We also will visit the wolf center, nursing home, pamida and apartments, during the day as well as the library during the day!
Happy Halloween!!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I am so sick of political ads! I can't stand anymore tv ads...anyone else had it?! I can't believe that it was snowy today, we noticed it in church. I am having a Pampered Chef show tomorrow at my house, crossing my fingers that I will have a few people coming!
I am heading to the cities, about 4am Tuesday to be at court all day for Heidi. Pray for safety and quick decisions from the courts. Truth to be spoken and wisdom for the judge. We will come back Wednesday so Sydney can enjoy her AWANA party. Friday is halloween already and we are having a little halloween party here with some friends hoping to go "hard core" trick or treating :)
Hope all is well with everyone!
I am heading to the cities, about 4am Tuesday to be at court all day for Heidi. Pray for safety and quick decisions from the courts. Truth to be spoken and wisdom for the judge. We will come back Wednesday so Sydney can enjoy her AWANA party. Friday is halloween already and we are having a little halloween party here with some friends hoping to go "hard core" trick or treating :)
Hope all is well with everyone!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Weekend Fun
We had such a fun weekend with Jack and Nancy! We carved pumpkins with the kids, warm up with chili, and I got to spend some time with my friend who just had a baby last week...Sunday, Mark and Jack went out fishing and than we all went out for dinner.
It always goes by so fast!
This morning Nancy came with us to ECFE! If you can take your kids to that program, I highly recommend it! It really breaks up the day, beneficial to you and the kids!
The weather is really turning brisk right now, you can just feel the cold north wind, taking your breath away! We are bundling up with hats and mittens now, and I still have to get winter coats for Carter and Alli, so if you have seen some on sale, I might be down for our court date next tuesday!
Hope you are all well...and if you need anything from pampered chef, or want anything, let me know! I got a catalog show going on now! :)
It always goes by so fast!
This morning Nancy came with us to ECFE! If you can take your kids to that program, I highly recommend it! It really breaks up the day, beneficial to you and the kids!
The weather is really turning brisk right now, you can just feel the cold north wind, taking your breath away! We are bundling up with hats and mittens now, and I still have to get winter coats for Carter and Alli, so if you have seen some on sale, I might be down for our court date next tuesday!
Hope you are all well...and if you need anything from pampered chef, or want anything, let me know! I got a catalog show going on now! :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
What a day! Alli was giving me a run for my money, let me tell you! She pretty much cried the whole way to the library, which should have been my first clue...than, she interupted story time for the kids with her crying demands...people just smiled and I am sure glared at me when I had to keep taking her out...we made it home in one piece, I don't know how...but, the kids all got good naps today.
Jack and Nancy are on their way up here, the kids are excited...should be a fun weekend!
I started a Bible Study called "seeking him", it's one convicting study...kind of want to put it back on the shelf and quit, but they explained if you quit it would be like going in for surgery and being cut open and jumping off the surgeon's table without being put back together! Nice analogy!
Have a great weekend...oh a bit of reality today: I saw the snow plows out in town, must be testing them out to make sure they work!
Jack and Nancy are on their way up here, the kids are excited...should be a fun weekend!
I started a Bible Study called "seeking him", it's one convicting study...kind of want to put it back on the shelf and quit, but they explained if you quit it would be like going in for surgery and being cut open and jumping off the surgeon's table without being put back together! Nice analogy!
Have a great weekend...oh a bit of reality today: I saw the snow plows out in town, must be testing them out to make sure they work!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bible study and update on Heidi
Today was my first day of leading Bible study and it went well. I had everyone say their background with religion growing up and where they are now. I learned that everyone was either catholic or married to a catholic...but a "submissive one"...meaning they go to their other spouses church right now, mainly lutheran. What a enormous responsiblity and task ahead! Pray for salvation on these women who aren't sure, pray for growth on my part and an openess and willingness to change what the Holy Spirit reveals to me.
I need words to speak that won't offend, if they are my words I will offend, but if the Holy Spirit offends than I call that conviction!
Lies Women Believe is the book we are going through, I am excited. We also are having prayer partners, b/c a lot of them never grew up praying, and its a scary thing for we are teaching them slowly.
Secondly, Heidi is moving homes again. The Will's were unable to do a transfer of custody, and so they are moving her on. She will be staying with my aunt and uncle (Dave & Michele Lawrence) in Detroit Lakes, MN (aka DL)...She was really fighting this move b/c she would of course like to stay with the Wills...she has made so much progress with them, the thought of switching schools tears her up inside, but it's apparent this is what God has for her. There is a court date scheduled, Oct 28 all day...they are going to evaluate if my parents are a safe place fo her, everyone is going to testify: therapists, family therapists, family, heidi, etc...After that the judge rules on whether she goes home or my relatives will do a transfer of legal custody. The good thing of a transfer is that Heidi is no more court ordered a social worker, labeled a foster child, doesn't need permission to go to camp or leaving the state...What a blessing! Pray for her as she struggles with the switch and my family is catholic, so she will have to live out Christ for real...and find a good church or youth group.
Pray for us.
I need words to speak that won't offend, if they are my words I will offend, but if the Holy Spirit offends than I call that conviction!
Lies Women Believe is the book we are going through, I am excited. We also are having prayer partners, b/c a lot of them never grew up praying, and its a scary thing for we are teaching them slowly.
Secondly, Heidi is moving homes again. The Will's were unable to do a transfer of custody, and so they are moving her on. She will be staying with my aunt and uncle (Dave & Michele Lawrence) in Detroit Lakes, MN (aka DL)...She was really fighting this move b/c she would of course like to stay with the Wills...she has made so much progress with them, the thought of switching schools tears her up inside, but it's apparent this is what God has for her. There is a court date scheduled, Oct 28 all day...they are going to evaluate if my parents are a safe place fo her, everyone is going to testify: therapists, family therapists, family, heidi, etc...After that the judge rules on whether she goes home or my relatives will do a transfer of legal custody. The good thing of a transfer is that Heidi is no more court ordered a social worker, labeled a foster child, doesn't need permission to go to camp or leaving the state...What a blessing! Pray for her as she struggles with the switch and my family is catholic, so she will have to live out Christ for real...and find a good church or youth group.
Pray for us.
Friday, October 10, 2008
What an exhausting week emotionally...I am thankful that I have God to look to as a comfort and shield...knowing He is the same, today and forever!
Friends of ours had their baby this wednesday up in ely, and they loss the pulse on the baby for a while, and they had to recussitate the baby and he came through...they did rush him via ambulance to Duluth to keep a close eye on him. The mom was ok, a little sad not to be able to see the baby but, was ambulanced the next day with him...
Also, Warren Brokering (his blog is one I read) passed on to glory today...your heart breaks in two for his wife Tana and those precious children...but, if you look back at his blog he always gave God the glory for what has happened with his battle of cancer. I pray that my faith would stay that strong and I would love Him, no matter what my life was like.
My heart is heavy for them.
No eye hath seen, nor ear heard...what is to come in heaven! Praise the Lord, for the blessed hope of salvation...:) I couldn't imagine, not knowning whether I was going to heaven or not!
Friends of ours had their baby this wednesday up in ely, and they loss the pulse on the baby for a while, and they had to recussitate the baby and he came through...they did rush him via ambulance to Duluth to keep a close eye on him. The mom was ok, a little sad not to be able to see the baby but, was ambulanced the next day with him...
Also, Warren Brokering (his blog is one I read) passed on to glory today...your heart breaks in two for his wife Tana and those precious children...but, if you look back at his blog he always gave God the glory for what has happened with his battle of cancer. I pray that my faith would stay that strong and I would love Him, no matter what my life was like.
My heart is heavy for them.
No eye hath seen, nor ear heard...what is to come in heaven! Praise the Lord, for the blessed hope of salvation...:) I couldn't imagine, not knowning whether I was going to heaven or not!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Garage Sale
Last week, my friend Jennifer and I had a garage sale together...After weeks of preparation we opened Friday and Saturday...people are crazy here about having garage sales!!!!!! They were peeking in the garage the day before wanting to shop, and Friday they were here about 6 hours early trying to get in...we had lines and lines of people with stuff! I know between a couple of us, we made about $1500! Isn't that crazy!? So, if you want to have a garage sale up here with me, feel free to come on up...the thing that floored me, was that it was 20+ outside, and we still did so awesome! So, imagine in the spring when people are shopping for their "cottages" and it's nice outside!
Last week we met for our MOPS was so encouraging to hear, some moms say they wanted away from the MOPS materials b/c it seems as though they are too cautious in "offending" people...they really want to grow! So, I am leading a study by Nancy Leigh DeMoss called "Lies Women believe and the truth that sets them free"...I am overwhelmed and humbled at this opportunity...There are women coming from all walks of religion, so please pray for salvation and "soft words"...from me.
Sunday Mark tried a new lake, but didn't catch anything. I am going to a Longerberger party tonight at Jen's house.
We had ECFE today and the kids learned about transportation, different vehicles, and enjoyed painting and making crafts...
I think we are all catching a cold, so I am headed back home to take a nap!
I am also starting another Bible Study with some women at the other Baptist Church in town called "Seeking Him" about seeking personal revival...
Things are sure busy here...hope you are all doing well...:)
Last week we met for our MOPS was so encouraging to hear, some moms say they wanted away from the MOPS materials b/c it seems as though they are too cautious in "offending" people...they really want to grow! So, I am leading a study by Nancy Leigh DeMoss called "Lies Women believe and the truth that sets them free"...I am overwhelmed and humbled at this opportunity...There are women coming from all walks of religion, so please pray for salvation and "soft words"...from me.
Sunday Mark tried a new lake, but didn't catch anything. I am going to a Longerberger party tonight at Jen's house.
We had ECFE today and the kids learned about transportation, different vehicles, and enjoyed painting and making crafts...
I think we are all catching a cold, so I am headed back home to take a nap!
I am also starting another Bible Study with some women at the other Baptist Church in town called "Seeking Him" about seeking personal revival...
Things are sure busy here...hope you are all doing well...:)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Fall has arrived!
Well, it is definitely fallish out there! The weather was exeptional all last week and it was really warm. I was thankful for that.
Alli is very independent, and usually the cause of strife between her and Carter! She is feeding herself, and throws herself on the ground if she isn't happy with of joys...
Carter is pretty sensitive and keeps an eye on the girls, his latest habit is holding the door for the ladies! We are there for quite a while sometimes while he waits and waits for ladies to come through the door ways at preschool, but he is quite a gentleman! I am proud of him!
Sydney is enjoying preschool and exploring different things, she is practicing writing and learning about how to make applesauce and even apple pie! She loves her time to learn.
I had the opportunity to peel and slice 2 crates of peaches with a friend here, and we bagged them and labeled them for the freezer! NUMMY! Quite a few didn't make it :)
We started ECFE today, which will go through December, I Really enjoy it...helps me network other moms, talk through some normal kid issues and get some idea's for myself! The kids enjoy the interaction with new kids and enjoy the crafts and different projects they introduce!
Jack and Nancy came up this weekend (we're spoiled, I know!)...we took them hiking up to Secret Blackstone Loop...what a fun hike, we hike around 3 lakes and up and down varies terrain, and skipping through various swamp lands. Mark went fishing on Burntside, but was unsuccesful into luring fish to his boat :)...They went home today and the kids got a little teary eyed, they want them to come back and never leave!
Sunday school has been going good, I have 5 in my class, and they are smart! Memorizing their verses and retelling the Bible stories to family!
This weekend we are having a garage sale...getting rid of lots of baby stuff, and misc stuff that I can and will live without!
Pray as our church called a pastor, that if this is the right man for the job, that it will be an easy transition...that we will know whether we stay or go...and also pray for my garage sale...that I can sell most all of the stuff and that we will have great weather.
Come and visit, the colors are starting to look really pretty!!!
Alli is very independent, and usually the cause of strife between her and Carter! She is feeding herself, and throws herself on the ground if she isn't happy with of joys...
Carter is pretty sensitive and keeps an eye on the girls, his latest habit is holding the door for the ladies! We are there for quite a while sometimes while he waits and waits for ladies to come through the door ways at preschool, but he is quite a gentleman! I am proud of him!
Sydney is enjoying preschool and exploring different things, she is practicing writing and learning about how to make applesauce and even apple pie! She loves her time to learn.
I had the opportunity to peel and slice 2 crates of peaches with a friend here, and we bagged them and labeled them for the freezer! NUMMY! Quite a few didn't make it :)
We started ECFE today, which will go through December, I Really enjoy it...helps me network other moms, talk through some normal kid issues and get some idea's for myself! The kids enjoy the interaction with new kids and enjoy the crafts and different projects they introduce!
Jack and Nancy came up this weekend (we're spoiled, I know!)...we took them hiking up to Secret Blackstone Loop...what a fun hike, we hike around 3 lakes and up and down varies terrain, and skipping through various swamp lands. Mark went fishing on Burntside, but was unsuccesful into luring fish to his boat :)...They went home today and the kids got a little teary eyed, they want them to come back and never leave!
Sunday school has been going good, I have 5 in my class, and they are smart! Memorizing their verses and retelling the Bible stories to family!
This weekend we are having a garage sale...getting rid of lots of baby stuff, and misc stuff that I can and will live without!
Pray as our church called a pastor, that if this is the right man for the job, that it will be an easy transition...that we will know whether we stay or go...and also pray for my garage sale...that I can sell most all of the stuff and that we will have great weather.
Come and visit, the colors are starting to look really pretty!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fun Visits!
This past weekend was so fun for us! My Grandma came up to Ely with my sisters Melanie and Heidi...we all met in Duluth, since I had an appointment with the allergist at SMDC. I learned a new fact! I am allergic to Birch Tree's and for some reason when I eat apples, my body thinks it's a birch tree and my mouth will swell up! Also, I have to stay away from hazelnut, peeling potato's & carrots raw! It was really eye-opening!
We met in Duluth and my family followed us back to Ely.
We visited the International Wolf Center in the morning, caught a free lunch at Veteran's on the Lake...stopped by the Rauch's (friends of ours), and shopped a couple was so fun.
Sunday we hosted the fellowship snack, and I started teaching the preschool sunday school.
Thanks for coming up this past weekend you guys...come again soon!
Monday night I surprised Mark w/a date night...we went fishing out on Birch Lake!
Tuesday night was truck night in Ely, the kids climbed on all sorts of trucks and learned what they were for.
Tonight Sydney started Awana Cubbies!!!
Alli was moved to a BIG GIRL BED...she is adjusting well.
This weekend we are thinking of getting up early and going to Duluth to enjoy hiking and breakfast :)
Hope all is well with you, keep in touch
We met in Duluth and my family followed us back to Ely.
We visited the International Wolf Center in the morning, caught a free lunch at Veteran's on the Lake...stopped by the Rauch's (friends of ours), and shopped a couple was so fun.
Sunday we hosted the fellowship snack, and I started teaching the preschool sunday school.
Thanks for coming up this past weekend you guys...come again soon!
Monday night I surprised Mark w/a date night...we went fishing out on Birch Lake!
Tuesday night was truck night in Ely, the kids climbed on all sorts of trucks and learned what they were for.
Tonight Sydney started Awana Cubbies!!!
Alli was moved to a BIG GIRL BED...she is adjusting well.
This weekend we are thinking of getting up early and going to Duluth to enjoy hiking and breakfast :)
Hope all is well with you, keep in touch
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Welcome Katey Black!
Katey Black is here, we aren't quite sure on the name spelling yet...Sharon delivered her WITHOUT an epideral Friday night...her hard labor was only about an hour so, thank God for that, but OUCH!!!! She weighed 7lbs 10oz...and she is healthy and mom/dad are happy! :) Congrats you guys, and I can't wait to meet you sweet Katey!
This weekend was city wide for St Francis, and I made out like a bandit! I prayed before hand that God would lead us to the right places, and he definitely did! I even got a Schwinn bike for Carter w/training wheels for only $15!! What a steal...
Last night I went out with the girls to Cheesecake Factory and walked Southdale. We all gorged ourselves and brought home the leftovers! It was good to reconnect and see how everyone is doing. It seems as though all my friends are getting pregnant or are pregnant, so I hope their morning sickness passes quickly...
News on the Ely front, we have Coyotes running around town lately, in fact Mark was driving and saw one hanging out by our yard, and chased it away...weird!
Sydney starts preschool this week full time (tuesdays and thursdays noon-3:30)...she is so excited, and I am happy for her.
Well, we are heading back early today to the Iron Range...ready for winter to set in, it's been in the 30's in the morning/overnights...BRRRrrrrr.rr....Come and Visit!
This weekend was city wide for St Francis, and I made out like a bandit! I prayed before hand that God would lead us to the right places, and he definitely did! I even got a Schwinn bike for Carter w/training wheels for only $15!! What a steal...
Last night I went out with the girls to Cheesecake Factory and walked Southdale. We all gorged ourselves and brought home the leftovers! It was good to reconnect and see how everyone is doing. It seems as though all my friends are getting pregnant or are pregnant, so I hope their morning sickness passes quickly...
News on the Ely front, we have Coyotes running around town lately, in fact Mark was driving and saw one hanging out by our yard, and chased it away...weird!
Sydney starts preschool this week full time (tuesdays and thursdays noon-3:30)...she is so excited, and I am happy for her.
Well, we are heading back early today to the Iron Range...ready for winter to set in, it's been in the 30's in the morning/overnights...BRRRrrrrr.rr....Come and Visit!
Monday, September 1, 2008
September, Seriously?!
Where does the time go? I can't believe today is the beginning of September!
We have been busy, of course guzzing up the house and moving out our stuff from the apartment. What a task!
We have painted the cupboards and put all of that back, but we are searching for new hardware, and planning on painting the kitchen yellow and getting roman shades that coordinate.
We are getting a couple of bids from an electrician to convert our 60amp to 200 fuse box...the electricity is way out-dated!
We came down to the cities for the labor day weekend.
Saturday we spent at the state fair, eating corn on the cob, strawberries 'n cream, mini donuts, corn dogs, pronto pups, foot longs, malt shakes and more!!! (so much for watching my calories and carbs!) The kids loved the animals so we spent a good chunk of our day, hopping over cow piles :)
Sunday we enjoyed church at St Francis and caught up with our friends and than in the afternoon we had a picnic with the grandma's and some family/ was fun and relaxing. Jennie Pahl is enjoying AZ, she is a speech pathologist. She is officially down with her masters program~ CONGRATS Jennie!!! Have a safe trip back to AZ with your mom and baby (Sugar).
Alli is becoming more mobile, climbing the kitchen table and anything she can get a foot hold of.
She definitely knows when she is being naughty, b/c we ask her if she wants to go in her playpen for a while and she shakes her head no...stinker!
Carter is learning more each day, he seems like a sponge. He is prone to accidents and falling down and running into things, so I wonder when that stage will end...His sense of humor is a riot and it's fun to watch him grow.
Sydney is gearing up for preschool right now, she has orientation this week and starts next week. It's a parent cooperative preschool, and she will have 10 classmates. They get them ready for preschool and we will be part of the classroom about 1 time a month. It's 2 days a week for 3 hours at a time, so tuesdays and thursdays I will be walking her to school! My little baby!
Next weekend I am coming back to the cities for a garage sale weekend and girls weekend...I miss you girls! I can hardly wait until next weekend...where I can just lay back and laugh till I cry!
Have a great week!
We have been busy, of course guzzing up the house and moving out our stuff from the apartment. What a task!
We have painted the cupboards and put all of that back, but we are searching for new hardware, and planning on painting the kitchen yellow and getting roman shades that coordinate.
We are getting a couple of bids from an electrician to convert our 60amp to 200 fuse box...the electricity is way out-dated!
We came down to the cities for the labor day weekend.
Saturday we spent at the state fair, eating corn on the cob, strawberries 'n cream, mini donuts, corn dogs, pronto pups, foot longs, malt shakes and more!!! (so much for watching my calories and carbs!) The kids loved the animals so we spent a good chunk of our day, hopping over cow piles :)
Sunday we enjoyed church at St Francis and caught up with our friends and than in the afternoon we had a picnic with the grandma's and some family/ was fun and relaxing. Jennie Pahl is enjoying AZ, she is a speech pathologist. She is officially down with her masters program~ CONGRATS Jennie!!! Have a safe trip back to AZ with your mom and baby (Sugar).
Alli is becoming more mobile, climbing the kitchen table and anything she can get a foot hold of.
She definitely knows when she is being naughty, b/c we ask her if she wants to go in her playpen for a while and she shakes her head no...stinker!
Carter is learning more each day, he seems like a sponge. He is prone to accidents and falling down and running into things, so I wonder when that stage will end...His sense of humor is a riot and it's fun to watch him grow.
Sydney is gearing up for preschool right now, she has orientation this week and starts next week. It's a parent cooperative preschool, and she will have 10 classmates. They get them ready for preschool and we will be part of the classroom about 1 time a month. It's 2 days a week for 3 hours at a time, so tuesdays and thursdays I will be walking her to school! My little baby!
Next weekend I am coming back to the cities for a garage sale weekend and girls weekend...I miss you girls! I can hardly wait until next weekend...where I can just lay back and laugh till I cry!
Have a great week!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I can't even remember what I blogged about last time, it's been that crazy busy here!
We have moved all our stuff out of our St Francis home up to our new home in Ely...thanks to a lot of help from Jack and THANK YOU!
We are priming and vingerizing the cupboards right now and will be painting them white...we are looking for a new reliable vehicle...we are thinking about a suburban.
Alli's doing well, being very independent...however she is scared of our wooden stairs and sreams "momma...mommma" everytime she wants me to come and get her. Sydney is busy with VBS at the Tab and they are having a play next week we will be attending. Carter is growing quickly too, he loves playing with Sydney and putting puzzles together and driving his trucks...the kids really love swimming and fishing. Sydney learned how to swim this weekend with the help of our good friend Bill.
Jack and Mark went out fishing in Mark's new boat this past weekend and caught 6 fish, northern, walleye, bass...we will be having a fish fry this weekend, I am thinking.
Mark and I are going to be leaving for an overnight BWCA trip. We are heading to Lake Isabella searching for a moose...I really want to see a bear, but Mark wants to see a Moose, who knows maybe we will see both by Saturday afternoon, so we can come back to stay in a hotel (that's my type of camping) Mark likes to rough it... I am starting to teach Sunday school at Ely Baptist this fall, so that will be fun.
Just Busy, Busy, Busy...OH! A book suggestion to all parents! "Power of Praying Parent"!!!!! AWESOME!
Have a good week...and please, come visit!
We have moved all our stuff out of our St Francis home up to our new home in Ely...thanks to a lot of help from Jack and THANK YOU!
We are priming and vingerizing the cupboards right now and will be painting them white...we are looking for a new reliable vehicle...we are thinking about a suburban.
Alli's doing well, being very independent...however she is scared of our wooden stairs and sreams "momma...mommma" everytime she wants me to come and get her. Sydney is busy with VBS at the Tab and they are having a play next week we will be attending. Carter is growing quickly too, he loves playing with Sydney and putting puzzles together and driving his trucks...the kids really love swimming and fishing. Sydney learned how to swim this weekend with the help of our good friend Bill.
Jack and Mark went out fishing in Mark's new boat this past weekend and caught 6 fish, northern, walleye, bass...we will be having a fish fry this weekend, I am thinking.
Mark and I are going to be leaving for an overnight BWCA trip. We are heading to Lake Isabella searching for a moose...I really want to see a bear, but Mark wants to see a Moose, who knows maybe we will see both by Saturday afternoon, so we can come back to stay in a hotel (that's my type of camping) Mark likes to rough it... I am starting to teach Sunday school at Ely Baptist this fall, so that will be fun.
Just Busy, Busy, Busy...OH! A book suggestion to all parents! "Power of Praying Parent"!!!!! AWESOME!
Have a good week...and please, come visit!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The Big Move!
Well...the Big Move happened this weekend! We rolled into town around 10:30 last night and got up early to get our Uhaul today. THANK YOU to Brennen Palm, Jenny/Josh Kidd, Jack/Nancy for helping us load up! What a chore! We are all walking zombies.
We are planned to get up and head to Ely tomorrow morning to unload.
We closed on our new house in Ely on Friday morning, we have a new get out your address books...824 East Chapman Street...Ely, MN 55731!
Mark's conversion was better than expected. Thank you for your prayers. He worked a total of 28 hours of overtime since last Thursday and they are all learning and practicing, practice can only make perfect.
Big Happy Birthday Shout out to Brandon Black and Kirk brother in laws, they both have birthday's in August...and many more!
Well, before Alli pulls the plug out again, Good Bye!
We are planned to get up and head to Ely tomorrow morning to unload.
We closed on our new house in Ely on Friday morning, we have a new get out your address books...824 East Chapman Street...Ely, MN 55731!
Mark's conversion was better than expected. Thank you for your prayers. He worked a total of 28 hours of overtime since last Thursday and they are all learning and practicing, practice can only make perfect.
Big Happy Birthday Shout out to Brandon Black and Kirk brother in laws, they both have birthday's in August...and many more!
Well, before Alli pulls the plug out again, Good Bye!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Conversion to 21st Century has begun...
Well, Mark didn't make it home until about 11:30 last night! Working on getting all their computers and files and posts ready for the big weekend conversion...Pray that all goes well and that he can be a testimony to his coworkers who aren't saved. I am baking and cooking and keeping food over there so they stay full and content, it's the only thing I can do to help, if it really helps at all.
Melanie got up here safe and sound last fun!!! We are heading to Fall Lake Beach/Park today and than take her to the Trazona trail.
Funny story...Wednesday night, Mark went up to the BWCA to go fishing and I had the kids for the evening and we invited Sydney's friends who are twins over to play...while I was bringing them home I didn't realize I left the keys in the passenger side door, and basically the next morning we couldn't find Mark's keys...and he finally found them hanging on the door!!! Oops! Good thing we live in Ely and are driving a 1993 Chevrolet luminia...or else the end result might not be the same.
Melanie got up here safe and sound last fun!!! We are heading to Fall Lake Beach/Park today and than take her to the Trazona trail.
Funny story...Wednesday night, Mark went up to the BWCA to go fishing and I had the kids for the evening and we invited Sydney's friends who are twins over to play...while I was bringing them home I didn't realize I left the keys in the passenger side door, and basically the next morning we couldn't find Mark's keys...and he finally found them hanging on the door!!! Oops! Good thing we live in Ely and are driving a 1993 Chevrolet luminia...or else the end result might not be the same.
Monday, July 28, 2008
3 offers on the house
Good news is, we got three offers on our house this past weekend! Now, pray for wisdom and a quick and smooth transactions...Praise God! He got us this far, I know he will get us through.
We are planning on heading down to the cities the weekend of August 8 & 9th to haul our stuff from our SF home up to our new home in Ely.
My sister Melanie is coming up to visit with me this weekend, while Mark slaves away at work all weekend...he has to get the computer systems ready to start up Monday morning (the big please pray for a smooth transition)!
This past weekend we had fun at the Blueberry, the park was packed with people... Serious crafters and shoppers...
Sunday we just layed around and went to church.
We are keeping busy this week by fishing, hiking and playing at the park.
Tomorrow is an ice cream social at the library, so the kids are excited for that.
I think tomorrow we might roast hot dogs and marshmallows at a local beach and park area.
Hope you are all doing well...keep praying for us here.
We are planning on heading down to the cities the weekend of August 8 & 9th to haul our stuff from our SF home up to our new home in Ely.
My sister Melanie is coming up to visit with me this weekend, while Mark slaves away at work all weekend...he has to get the computer systems ready to start up Monday morning (the big please pray for a smooth transition)!
This past weekend we had fun at the Blueberry, the park was packed with people... Serious crafters and shoppers...
Sunday we just layed around and went to church.
We are keeping busy this week by fishing, hiking and playing at the park.
Tomorrow is an ice cream social at the library, so the kids are excited for that.
I think tomorrow we might roast hot dogs and marshmallows at a local beach and park area.
Hope you are all doing well...keep praying for us here.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Blueberry Week in Ely!
If you have the weekend free and want to hang out with about 40,000 people Ely is the place to be! It's their "famous" Blueberry arts festival this week. They have tons of blueberry stuff...picking...baking...pancakes, etc...There is a big craft/vendor/carnival going on Fri-Sun. We are excited to be apart of it. No hotel rooms are call us ahead of time, and you can bunk with us :)
This past weekend was great!
Mark's parents and we went canoeing in the Boundry Waters and fishing...than we had supper at the Rauch's house and crashed!
It was so nice having them here...the kids miss them.
Sunday we had Mn Teen Challenge, it's great to see God working in the lifes of just never man said..."the secrecy of his sin and the horribleness of his sin, he felt as though he could be open and honest for the first time in his life and not pretend and live for God, not himself"...I pray they continue in their bible studies!
Tonight is local music live at different shops, so we are going to walk around.
Have a great week!
This past weekend was great!
Mark's parents and we went canoeing in the Boundry Waters and fishing...than we had supper at the Rauch's house and crashed!
It was so nice having them here...the kids miss them.
Sunday we had Mn Teen Challenge, it's great to see God working in the lifes of just never man said..."the secrecy of his sin and the horribleness of his sin, he felt as though he could be open and honest for the first time in his life and not pretend and live for God, not himself"...I pray they continue in their bible studies!
Tonight is local music live at different shops, so we are going to walk around.
Have a great week!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
YAHOO! In-Laws are HERE!
Jack and Nancy are here for the weekend...and we are bouncing off the walls with excitement.
MN Teen Challenge is going to be at our church on Sunday, so I am excited to hear how God has worked through peoples lives!
Have a great weekend!
MN Teen Challenge is going to be at our church on Sunday, so I am excited to hear how God has worked through peoples lives!
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
God is Good
Well, I would just like to say God is good!
The guy who submitted an offer on our house last week, received a counteroffer back from us, and he said he wasn't interested anymore and walked...oh well, his loss...and I know God has a reason for all of this.
Tonight we have another showing, so I am praying that God has brought the right people through our house to have it sold soon!
I found out yesterday someone I use to go calling on and invited to church many times died last week. Marie Lawson passed away suddenly...if any of you know her, the funeral was today. I think it was related to some heart valve issues. The exciting thing is she is perfect and complete in Christ now, which is exciting.
Carter got his cast cut off today, he doesn't use that arm still, out of habit...pretty neat!
Heidi (my sister) was accepted to move in with a new foster family the Wills...the mom planned a 3 week trip to Hawaii, just to relax and get to know her better! Wish I could be placed there :) don't we all? :)
Hope your week is good...tomorrow its to the library for "sparky the clown"...and we discovered some new trails up by canada here! It's loads of fun..."secret blackstone loop" you literally are hikin through the woods and you can see tons of lakes and wildlife (mosquitos especially) it's beautiful! Hope you can come soon!
The guy who submitted an offer on our house last week, received a counteroffer back from us, and he said he wasn't interested anymore and walked...oh well, his loss...and I know God has a reason for all of this.
Tonight we have another showing, so I am praying that God has brought the right people through our house to have it sold soon!
I found out yesterday someone I use to go calling on and invited to church many times died last week. Marie Lawson passed away suddenly...if any of you know her, the funeral was today. I think it was related to some heart valve issues. The exciting thing is she is perfect and complete in Christ now, which is exciting.
Carter got his cast cut off today, he doesn't use that arm still, out of habit...pretty neat!
Heidi (my sister) was accepted to move in with a new foster family the Wills...the mom planned a 3 week trip to Hawaii, just to relax and get to know her better! Wish I could be placed there :) don't we all? :)
Hope your week is good...tomorrow its to the library for "sparky the clown"...and we discovered some new trails up by canada here! It's loads of fun..."secret blackstone loop" you literally are hikin through the woods and you can see tons of lakes and wildlife (mosquitos especially) it's beautiful! Hope you can come soon!
Friday, July 11, 2008
824 E Chapman
Well, we bought a house in Ely! Our new address will be 824 East Chapman Street!!!
We move in during the month of August, the exact date isn't for sure b/c the lady who is moving out is moving into a newly built retirement community...the day she is suppose to move in is August 1st, but you know how that can sometimes not always pan out...
I was just casually walking by a couple of weeks ago, and noticed they had a big yard, the house looked nice and so I suggested we take a look...anyways, Mark looked it up online and scheduled a showing. That night we decided to place an offer b/c it was so reasonable and well kept...and we found out that we are the proud new owners of a home in Ely!
The home was built in 1929, it's 3 bedrooms 1 bath, kitchen, dining room and living room (with a full basement and 2 car garage). The stove is from 1956 and looks brand new! (it has a soup well, where you can simmer your soup/stews all day long and it replaces a burner) The tub has those claw feet on the bottom, with no shower. Mark wants a shower, so we are going to have to get rid of that. We are pretty excited...God has blessed us deeply.
About our house, it is now on the market with another relator and we have had two offers so far, and we heard about someone else who might make an offer, so pray that this can all go through quickly. The Lord is so gracious! I give him all the glory.
We spent a week and weekend in Brainerd, so that is why I haven't been able to Mark is crazy busy at work and has been working late, so I can't get to the library alone to check the interenet.
Brainerd was fun, Sydney caught her first fish! A 20 1/2 in Northern...we fryed it up last night, it was great...she wants to go back out and fish some more so, I think tomorrow we might hit Shagawa Lake and go fishing for part of the day.
Carter still has his cast on...he has adapted well, and is hoping to get it off next Tuesday.
Alli's main method of transportation now is walking, she is responding to questions we ask her by nodding her head yes or shaking her head no.
Mark is saturated with work things, he is converting their old computer system over to the 21st century and is training in on a new system...the conversion is complete the 1st week of August, so if you think of him, pray for an easy transition for him and his employees!
I am excited for the move and have been studying "strenthening your marriage" and "growing kids God's way"...some nugget of truth I was convicted of is...instead of worrying about "why" your child behaved the way they did, you need to just correct the behavior's...too often we are trying to excuse or explain the behavior and glorify the pyscology of our children's actions instead of correcting the response or behavior of the child. It was very enlightening...
Well, hope you guys are all well...don't forget "Ely is calling!"
We move in during the month of August, the exact date isn't for sure b/c the lady who is moving out is moving into a newly built retirement community...the day she is suppose to move in is August 1st, but you know how that can sometimes not always pan out...
I was just casually walking by a couple of weeks ago, and noticed they had a big yard, the house looked nice and so I suggested we take a look...anyways, Mark looked it up online and scheduled a showing. That night we decided to place an offer b/c it was so reasonable and well kept...and we found out that we are the proud new owners of a home in Ely!
The home was built in 1929, it's 3 bedrooms 1 bath, kitchen, dining room and living room (with a full basement and 2 car garage). The stove is from 1956 and looks brand new! (it has a soup well, where you can simmer your soup/stews all day long and it replaces a burner) The tub has those claw feet on the bottom, with no shower. Mark wants a shower, so we are going to have to get rid of that. We are pretty excited...God has blessed us deeply.
About our house, it is now on the market with another relator and we have had two offers so far, and we heard about someone else who might make an offer, so pray that this can all go through quickly. The Lord is so gracious! I give him all the glory.
We spent a week and weekend in Brainerd, so that is why I haven't been able to Mark is crazy busy at work and has been working late, so I can't get to the library alone to check the interenet.
Brainerd was fun, Sydney caught her first fish! A 20 1/2 in Northern...we fryed it up last night, it was great...she wants to go back out and fish some more so, I think tomorrow we might hit Shagawa Lake and go fishing for part of the day.
Carter still has his cast on...he has adapted well, and is hoping to get it off next Tuesday.
Alli's main method of transportation now is walking, she is responding to questions we ask her by nodding her head yes or shaking her head no.
Mark is saturated with work things, he is converting their old computer system over to the 21st century and is training in on a new system...the conversion is complete the 1st week of August, so if you think of him, pray for an easy transition for him and his employees!
I am excited for the move and have been studying "strenthening your marriage" and "growing kids God's way"...some nugget of truth I was convicted of is...instead of worrying about "why" your child behaved the way they did, you need to just correct the behavior's...too often we are trying to excuse or explain the behavior and glorify the pyscology of our children's actions instead of correcting the response or behavior of the child. It was very enlightening...
Well, hope you guys are all well...don't forget "Ely is calling!"
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Broken Arm
Well, Carter broke his arm on Monday night! Believe it or not, he was having a pillow fight with Mark and Sydney...he landed on Sydney's ankle...he was crying and laid down and fell asleep, so we thought he was ok...but next morning he was still complaining and not using his arm. I took him to the dr, we got xrays and they diagnosed a "buckle fracture". It was right above his wrist, and below his elbow...poor buddy! He has it in a splinter now, to let the swelling down and tomorrow (Friday) we go in and get a cast put on. Thankfully it should only be on for about 2 weeks.
Keeping him out of the water is going to be a task though!
Keep him in your prayers.
Things are nice here, the weather is 80's and we are at the beach/park everyday! all on Mark's dollar :)
Have a great weekend....
Keeping him out of the water is going to be a task though!
Keep him in your prayers.
Things are nice here, the weather is 80's and we are at the beach/park everyday! all on Mark's dollar :)
Have a great weekend....
Friday, June 20, 2008
We had a good time with family last week. We met in Brainerd and hung out...Mark was able to fish alot with the men and we tended to the babies...
Back to reality this week, work!
I had another asthma, breathing problem this week again...and the dr is quite sure it's our apartment enviroment.
Mold and cigarette's are in the walls, and it's causing my breathing problem. So, we need to move out asap...we are looking at buying a lot in town/close to town and just building a new house. (everything here is 100 years old for rent, nothing new, and I can't handle the molds/other house allergens), pray that our house sells quickly. We did have a showing yesterday, but haven't heard back anything.
We all have colds right now, and are planning on meeting with some builders this weekend.
Carter is still hitting the big potty. YEAH!!!!
Have a good week.
Back to reality this week, work!
I had another asthma, breathing problem this week again...and the dr is quite sure it's our apartment enviroment.
Mold and cigarette's are in the walls, and it's causing my breathing problem. So, we need to move out asap...we are looking at buying a lot in town/close to town and just building a new house. (everything here is 100 years old for rent, nothing new, and I can't handle the molds/other house allergens), pray that our house sells quickly. We did have a showing yesterday, but haven't heard back anything.
We all have colds right now, and are planning on meeting with some builders this weekend.
Carter is still hitting the big potty. YEAH!!!!
Have a good week.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Vacation starts tonight at 5:30!!! We are having Alli's first birthday party tomorrow at Grandma Olson's house...
She loves animals, so we are making a cow cake for her! She loves to say "mmmmm..."
Our plans for the Big City are visiting the MOA, Mn History museum and visiting friends.
We are planning on heading back to Ely Tuesday so we can explore up here to go hiking, fishing, and camping spots...Friday we meet up with Mark's sister and parents in Brainerd for a week of pure RELAXATION!
Alli's getting so big...she is taking alot of steps, fiesty as ever, demanding her way, etc...:) kids are pulling me away...
God watch over all of you this week and weekend...
Oh, one more thing...I saw on the news this week that a man in his 70's was hit in broad daylight...many bystanders watching the whole things happen and it took a full minute for ANYONE to stop their cars or just walk over to see if he was ok... (this happened in CT) I am ashamed to live in a world that is so self absorbed and selfish! How horrifying...what if that was my grandma? or someone I loved?! What happened to this world? I pray that we can learn from this and teach our children empathy for all people, especially the elderly!
She loves animals, so we are making a cow cake for her! She loves to say "mmmmm..."
Our plans for the Big City are visiting the MOA, Mn History museum and visiting friends.
We are planning on heading back to Ely Tuesday so we can explore up here to go hiking, fishing, and camping spots...Friday we meet up with Mark's sister and parents in Brainerd for a week of pure RELAXATION!
Alli's getting so big...she is taking alot of steps, fiesty as ever, demanding her way, etc...:) kids are pulling me away...
God watch over all of you this week and weekend...
Oh, one more thing...I saw on the news this week that a man in his 70's was hit in broad daylight...many bystanders watching the whole things happen and it took a full minute for ANYONE to stop their cars or just walk over to see if he was ok... (this happened in CT) I am ashamed to live in a world that is so self absorbed and selfish! How horrifying...what if that was my grandma? or someone I loved?! What happened to this world? I pray that we can learn from this and teach our children empathy for all people, especially the elderly!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Mark has officially started fishing. He went out early Saturday morning, and found a spot on the river, right out of town. Than, early Sunday he was up again, and got a small mouth bass. He threw it back, and went out again Sunday afternoon...bring the troops (all of us) with him. I have never seen so many woodticks in my life! They were crawling all over us! YUCK! So, needless to say, as tempting as fishing is with Mark, I'd rather stay back with the kids! We did get them a scooby doo fishing pole, so they could go fishing too...but to no avail.
Saturday we went over to Jennifer and Dan's home. They grilled and we talked. They have 2 boys Cooper and Conner (Carter and Alli's age)...we all had a great time.
Big news at our house. Carter has been in BIG BOY underwear for a week now...he is doing good. We are working on making it a habit to put him on the big potty, and he usually goes (we only do it every couple/few hours)...It's so rewarding to see him not in diapers.
We are looking forward to our family flying in next week, and a full week of vacation for Mark. We are heading to the cities Friday night, and having a birthday party for Alli on Saturday...the BIG ONE! Can't believe it...
We will head back to Ely on Tuesday for some exploring time and meet our family back in Brainerd for some fun at the lake.
Hope your summer is starting good...If you come and visit here...bring the STRONG bug spray or don't go out after 7! The bugs will take you away! :)
Saturday we went over to Jennifer and Dan's home. They grilled and we talked. They have 2 boys Cooper and Conner (Carter and Alli's age)...we all had a great time.
Big news at our house. Carter has been in BIG BOY underwear for a week now...he is doing good. We are working on making it a habit to put him on the big potty, and he usually goes (we only do it every couple/few hours)...It's so rewarding to see him not in diapers.
We are looking forward to our family flying in next week, and a full week of vacation for Mark. We are heading to the cities Friday night, and having a birthday party for Alli on Saturday...the BIG ONE! Can't believe it...
We will head back to Ely on Tuesday for some exploring time and meet our family back in Brainerd for some fun at the lake.
Hope your summer is starting good...If you come and visit here...bring the STRONG bug spray or don't go out after 7! The bugs will take you away! :)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Bats, anyone?
YUCK! I left the apartment this morning and gathered the kids up in our hallway downstairs, we were headed to the trazona...and while I was leaving, I noticed a little black thing on the wall. It was a bat! YUCK!!!! GROSS!! I immediately called our "superman"...Mark and he came home and caught it in an ice cream pail and let it go...We still hear it "screaming" around our building, hoping to fly back in...get me out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a pretty good weekend, we stayed at Burntside LK and spent the night at some friends. We went for a boat ride and enjoyed the sites and islands about there. We grilled and had bonfires.
We visited Babbit Baptist again Sunday, and Monday we barely left the house. I think it snowed it was so cold outside!
Tonight we are headed for Seamers Park and the kids and I might walk Trazona tomorrow...
Hope all is well!
Still pray for our house. Thanks.
We had a pretty good weekend, we stayed at Burntside LK and spent the night at some friends. We went for a boat ride and enjoyed the sites and islands about there. We grilled and had bonfires.
We visited Babbit Baptist again Sunday, and Monday we barely left the house. I think it snowed it was so cold outside!
Tonight we are headed for Seamers Park and the kids and I might walk Trazona tomorrow...
Hope all is well!
Still pray for our house. Thanks.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Well, it's been a good week. Sunday, Monday and Wednesday we walked the Trazona Trail, that winds around Miner's Lake. It's a 4 mile walk...up and down the country side, but it sure is beautiful. We have a new pet, Dorothy, a grouse that follows us on our walk. We call her name and she comes running out of the woods and follows the kids and I until we get to the "tar" part of the walk...its hilarious. We have also come in contact with quite a few bats on our walk as well. They are big hit up here. People have "bat boxes" on their trees, b/c bats eat mesquitos. YUCK! I say they are the ugliest things I have have ever seen, and now that I have seen one close up. I don't want to do that again!
We have had a playdate with Kristi, Allison, Carly and Virginia this week. The kids rode bikes around. And today, Jennifer (has two boys Carter and Alli's age) invited us over for play and lunch. The kids had a great time.
I am actually sunburnt from our walks! YEAH! I won't look albino for much longer :)
Tomorrow we are watching Micah and Anna in the morning, and than in the evening we are heading to Paula and Matthew's grandparents place on Burntside lake for an overnighter. We are going to bonfire, grill, canoe, boat, etc...I can hardly wait to grill...
We are still waiting for those people to answer keep praying.
Thanks for all your prayers in the past...They are helpful.
Been reading in Acts, learning about how God offered salvation to the Gentiles through Peter and the missionary journey's Paul is on and it's really interesting.
We visited Babbit Baptist again on Sunday. It's great. Everyone is 80+ and treat us great. The Pastor is so wise and practical in scripture, I am learning so much. I think we will go back again on's pretty small about 30 people total, (and our family is 5) reminds us of Bunker a little bit.
Keep in touch, come up for the weekend! Ely is calling you!!!
We have had a playdate with Kristi, Allison, Carly and Virginia this week. The kids rode bikes around. And today, Jennifer (has two boys Carter and Alli's age) invited us over for play and lunch. The kids had a great time.
I am actually sunburnt from our walks! YEAH! I won't look albino for much longer :)
Tomorrow we are watching Micah and Anna in the morning, and than in the evening we are heading to Paula and Matthew's grandparents place on Burntside lake for an overnighter. We are going to bonfire, grill, canoe, boat, etc...I can hardly wait to grill...
We are still waiting for those people to answer keep praying.
Thanks for all your prayers in the past...They are helpful.
Been reading in Acts, learning about how God offered salvation to the Gentiles through Peter and the missionary journey's Paul is on and it's really interesting.
We visited Babbit Baptist again on Sunday. It's great. Everyone is 80+ and treat us great. The Pastor is so wise and practical in scripture, I am learning so much. I think we will go back again on's pretty small about 30 people total, (and our family is 5) reminds us of Bunker a little bit.
Keep in touch, come up for the weekend! Ely is calling you!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
It's a beautiful day in Ely. Weather is picture perfect! In the upper 50's maybe even 60? I am sure it will be snowing here soon, since we just got 4 inches this past weekend (no, I am not kidding!)
I had a MOPS brunch this morning, it was really nice. It might be our last one completely, we might transfer over to Bible Studies instead.
I have been reading "Created to be his Help Meet" lately along with my devotions. That book is so good! Thanks for suggesting it Shannon!
Remember ladies, if you are married, you were created to be your husbands help meet. Not to complete your own agenda! It's his life you are to be a help meet, how convicting!
I am pretty discouraged lately over our house. I know God's timing is perfect...but I think my patience is running out. I am on an emotional roller coaster and am ready to get off.
I had a MOPS brunch this morning, it was really nice. It might be our last one completely, we might transfer over to Bible Studies instead.
I have been reading "Created to be his Help Meet" lately along with my devotions. That book is so good! Thanks for suggesting it Shannon!
Remember ladies, if you are married, you were created to be your husbands help meet. Not to complete your own agenda! It's his life you are to be a help meet, how convicting!
I am pretty discouraged lately over our house. I know God's timing is perfect...but I think my patience is running out. I am on an emotional roller coaster and am ready to get off.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
No news
Unfortunately no news on the house. Which is usually bad news! We still have faith. Christ is going to sell our house, whether its today or 20 years from now...or maybe it will burn down? Who knows. If Christ came back tonight, it wouldn't matter now would it? (thoughts I keep telling myself)..."Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, if anyone love the world, the love of the Father is not in him"...tough lesson to learn!
Carter has officially given up his pacifier! He threw it in the garbage about 2 weeks ago because it was broken. Monday I heard Carter in the bathroom, and it sounded like trouble, but I didn't want to go see what he did...but...I did...He had our hand soap all over the toilet seat, in the toilet bowl...with the toilet brush, cleaning away! I was so pleased! What a good helper! :) I gave him a buzz cut yesterday, he looks adorable.
Today, we had some friends over: Allison LaTourell (her family owns a resort up here and she has two kids age 4 & 2) Kristi Marshall (she is involved with ECFE & MOPS, her husband works at the college, and they have 3 kids ages 4 & 2 & one due in June) Jennifer D (her husband works in the mining industry and they have two adopted kids ages 3 & 1). We had a full house! So we decided since it was a beautiful day, to take a walk on the Trazona Trail... Carter was full speed ahead of me, and than he darted off the path (you have to understand, the Trazona Trail was built around an old mine that flooded back in the 60' you are pretty much walking the "Grand Canyon" but overlooking Miner's Lake which is about 350 feet deep!...He was heading up the cliff to look over to the water! I ran with everything I had in me and some of what I didn't have and caught up to him...Thank the Lord he didn't trip or slip down the cliff...and he was pretty much tied to the stroller for the rest of the walk! Whew! They all came back and we had lunch together and played! It was nice...tonight we are going for another walk around the lake...and hopefully this time Carter learned his lesson (and me too)
We did head back to the cities last weekend, I got sick for a day or so...but we spent time with family. It was nice to be in some warmer weather on Sunday!
Tomorrow morning is a MOPS brunch and than Story time on Friday...keep praying our house sells.
Carter has officially given up his pacifier! He threw it in the garbage about 2 weeks ago because it was broken. Monday I heard Carter in the bathroom, and it sounded like trouble, but I didn't want to go see what he did...but...I did...He had our hand soap all over the toilet seat, in the toilet bowl...with the toilet brush, cleaning away! I was so pleased! What a good helper! :) I gave him a buzz cut yesterday, he looks adorable.
Today, we had some friends over: Allison LaTourell (her family owns a resort up here and she has two kids age 4 & 2) Kristi Marshall (she is involved with ECFE & MOPS, her husband works at the college, and they have 3 kids ages 4 & 2 & one due in June) Jennifer D (her husband works in the mining industry and they have two adopted kids ages 3 & 1). We had a full house! So we decided since it was a beautiful day, to take a walk on the Trazona Trail... Carter was full speed ahead of me, and than he darted off the path (you have to understand, the Trazona Trail was built around an old mine that flooded back in the 60' you are pretty much walking the "Grand Canyon" but overlooking Miner's Lake which is about 350 feet deep!...He was heading up the cliff to look over to the water! I ran with everything I had in me and some of what I didn't have and caught up to him...Thank the Lord he didn't trip or slip down the cliff...and he was pretty much tied to the stroller for the rest of the walk! Whew! They all came back and we had lunch together and played! It was nice...tonight we are going for another walk around the lake...and hopefully this time Carter learned his lesson (and me too)
We did head back to the cities last weekend, I got sick for a day or so...but we spent time with family. It was nice to be in some warmer weather on Sunday!
Tomorrow morning is a MOPS brunch and than Story time on Friday...keep praying our house sells.
Friday, May 9, 2008
House update
Here's a quick post...Someone is very interested in our house, but they are still trying to get together aobt 10% of the funds...We should know by today if they were able to do that. So please pray.
We are heading to the cities for the weekend. Please pray for safe travels!
We are heading to the cities for the weekend. Please pray for safe travels!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Kid update
First I will update on Sydney. She got herself a big girl bike this weekend! She has a basket, streamers, bell, and water bottle. She also has the princess helmet and knee pads to go with it. She loves riding her bike, she woke up Sunday morning before 6am to ride it...we don't know for how long...but she rang her that woke Mark up and he put her back in bed, to her dismay! She is excited to bike everyday...which is good for me, so I can keep on exercising. We are going to Happy Day's Preschool on Wednesday, they have an open house to show what "school" is all about!
Carter is a little stinker! I tried to get him to make a "poop" in the big potty today...he sat determined not too for 2 hours! But, he did go potty! So, that is good!!:) He got some lizzard rainboots, and now I ready for it to he can play in the puddles. He loves watching Scooby Doo...and everytime Mark comes home, Carter says "the creeper is coming!"...what a cutie! He loves to play with Alli and make her laugh!
Alli is growing up so quickly! She is babbling...we took away all baby food, so she is eating our food now!
Also, she took her first steps last Friday at Story Time!!! WOW! She claps at herself for standing all by herself...Giggles at the kids and definitely stands up for herself when other kids want to touch or hold her... (she just hits them till they go away).
She can tell you what a cow says... she says "Mmmmmm"...
Thought it was time for the kid update! Have a good week...heading to the "Big Cities" Friday! YEAH!
Carter is a little stinker! I tried to get him to make a "poop" in the big potty today...he sat determined not too for 2 hours! But, he did go potty! So, that is good!!:) He got some lizzard rainboots, and now I ready for it to he can play in the puddles. He loves watching Scooby Doo...and everytime Mark comes home, Carter says "the creeper is coming!"...what a cutie! He loves to play with Alli and make her laugh!
Alli is growing up so quickly! She is babbling...we took away all baby food, so she is eating our food now!
Also, she took her first steps last Friday at Story Time!!! WOW! She claps at herself for standing all by herself...Giggles at the kids and definitely stands up for herself when other kids want to touch or hold her... (she just hits them till they go away).
She can tell you what a cow says... she says "Mmmmmm"...
Thought it was time for the kid update! Have a good week...heading to the "Big Cities" Friday! YEAH!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Day of Prayer
Today is the national day of prayer...did you get a chance to talk to God? I hope so. It was so neat today to see the town of Ely coming together in the park, praying over the city, our nation, etc...They had some worship singing at the beginning and than prayer for an hour. What a blessing! My prayer today is for the salvation of my children and the growth of myself and Mark closer to Christ (and by doing that we will grow closer together).
I had MOPS today, and I offended someone!! (you all knew it would happen some time or another!)...We were talking about whether we were going to keep MOPS going next year, and they are talking about maybe substituting it with maybe a bible study, b/c the material seems a little more practical based things, versus biblical based things...I was encouraged that they have a desire to's where the problem lies. The MOPS group has catholics, lutherans, evangelicals, and baptist all do we study the bible together without conflict? I don't know. I explained how grateful I was that my parents brought us up in a bible-believing home. That they left the catholic more rich my life is today...FOOT IN THE MOUTH for the Catholic ladies...but, of course they voiced their opinion of me. They were offended that I talked ill of the catholic faith. (I honestly didn't mention the catholic faith I just said I look to the closest Bible-based faith, not just a religion)...I said I didn't mean to offend, just what I truly believe. Pray that I would be a testimony and a witness as I talk with these ladies. I did have a chance to talk with her after class and she wants to talk more about our faiths. I am concerned for myself, b/c I don't know the scriptures like I should by pray that I can study the scriptures, so I am not ashamed!
I had MOPS today, and I offended someone!! (you all knew it would happen some time or another!)...We were talking about whether we were going to keep MOPS going next year, and they are talking about maybe substituting it with maybe a bible study, b/c the material seems a little more practical based things, versus biblical based things...I was encouraged that they have a desire to's where the problem lies. The MOPS group has catholics, lutherans, evangelicals, and baptist all do we study the bible together without conflict? I don't know. I explained how grateful I was that my parents brought us up in a bible-believing home. That they left the catholic more rich my life is today...FOOT IN THE MOUTH for the Catholic ladies...but, of course they voiced their opinion of me. They were offended that I talked ill of the catholic faith. (I honestly didn't mention the catholic faith I just said I look to the closest Bible-based faith, not just a religion)...I said I didn't mean to offend, just what I truly believe. Pray that I would be a testimony and a witness as I talk with these ladies. I did have a chance to talk with her after class and she wants to talk more about our faiths. I am concerned for myself, b/c I don't know the scriptures like I should by pray that I can study the scriptures, so I am not ashamed!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Another trip to the hospital...
Friday night, we noticed Carters tummy looking quite bloated and hard. He was crying b/c of pain, and the dr had been checking Alli's tummy to make sure it wasn't getting hard. So...I was cautious and took Carter to the ER on Friday night. They did blood work and he was rolling back and forth in pain...nothing would comfort him. I felt so sorry for the little guy, when all of the sudden...I started to smell a dirty diaper comin! (go ahead and laugh now...I started cracking up too)...he had a huge diaper and lots of gas...and when I got him cleaned up...he was running around the ER. The dr/nurses thought he was a new boy. I couldn't believe it. I was praising God and laughing...all at once!
It was snowing up here this past weekend. I don't think it matters that May is this week...
Saturday we took a day trip to Duluth and enjoyed the malls/walmart/arbys, etc...and while we were just about 25 minutes away from Ely, the wind was whipping the snow so hard that we couldn't tell where the road began! So, we had to turn around and spend the night in Virginia.
Sunday we were going to try Babbit Baptist, but that didn't maybe next week!
Today we had another dr appointment to double check Alli...and they gave us the thumbs up!
I just started the chapter of John today...and have been in a state of sorrow/diligent prayer. I am just persistantly asking God to sell our house...learning as I go. Do I covet? Do I love the things of the world? It's all going to pass away...I know God's plan is perfect...I just keep praying that I will give God the glory when our house sells and if he chooses not to sell it! I had a great conversation with Shannon Fure today...she said "faith is believing that God will take care of you, no matter if it's the way I have been asking, or if God chooses another route, whether it be foreclosure or something else. Just believe that God will take care of you"...what a refreshing thought.
I felt like I should be reading Psalms when David was in anquish over some of his circumstances though, instead of reading John...:)
It was snowing up here this past weekend. I don't think it matters that May is this week...
Saturday we took a day trip to Duluth and enjoyed the malls/walmart/arbys, etc...and while we were just about 25 minutes away from Ely, the wind was whipping the snow so hard that we couldn't tell where the road began! So, we had to turn around and spend the night in Virginia.
Sunday we were going to try Babbit Baptist, but that didn't maybe next week!
Today we had another dr appointment to double check Alli...and they gave us the thumbs up!
I just started the chapter of John today...and have been in a state of sorrow/diligent prayer. I am just persistantly asking God to sell our house...learning as I go. Do I covet? Do I love the things of the world? It's all going to pass away...I know God's plan is perfect...I just keep praying that I will give God the glory when our house sells and if he chooses not to sell it! I had a great conversation with Shannon Fure today...she said "faith is believing that God will take care of you, no matter if it's the way I have been asking, or if God chooses another route, whether it be foreclosure or something else. Just believe that God will take care of you"...what a refreshing thought.
I felt like I should be reading Psalms when David was in anquish over some of his circumstances though, instead of reading John...:)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Trip to the cities, hospital, dr, bathroom, etc!
WHEW! I can't believe it's been a full week since my last post...
We headed back to the cities Friday afternoon and on the way, Alli started vomitting. She must have done that about 10 different times...thankfully we only had 1 more hour to go. We ended up throwing away her car seat, stripping her down and shifting everyone's seating. We thought maybe she was carsick, b/c she had just had a bottle in the car. But, we quickly realized when we got to Jack and Nancy' wasn't carsickness...the kids didn't want to eat their dinner. And just as the adults started to eat, Carter threw up all over me...GROSS!!! Than, Sydney kept saying she was sick too...I didn't know if it was true sickness or "sympathy sickness"...I felt fine, or so I thought....Sure, enough Sydney started throwing up too...Than, they all got diarreah on top of it. And, they wanted to drink liquids, which made everything worse! So...all night long Mark and I were up with one kid, who was either: throwing up or had a dirty diaper!
Saturday morning I was hoping it was a 24 hour bug and it was done...but no...they kept all their symptoms going.
Poor grandma and grandpa! They won't let us visit again!:)
Saturday night, I made a cake that was from a cookbook I got at the library. It took 2 hours! It looked so pretty with Coconut pressed on the outside of the buttercream frosting and the raspberry layered lemon/type cake!
Well, you guessed it! Sunday morning all the adults started getting queesy stomaches!
Sunday night, we headed back to Ely. I had a bucket in the front seat....Alli cried for 75% of the way back ...Carter couldn't stop asking for "mommy" and was crying...we were all going crazy! Mark had to pull over so I could "toss my cookies" and he pulled over to change some more smelly diapers...we thought for sure, we would blow a tire and hit a deer, the way our night was going...but, thankfully the Lord should us some mercy and guided us safely home!
When we arrived, I lost everything, and was exhausted...than in the middle of the night Mark did too...and Carter and Alli was sick again...she was becoming lethargic, which concerned I made a dr apointment right away Monday morning. When I arrived (barely) they said she needed to be admitted to the hospital to get an iv so she wasn't so dehydrated! Seriously, I thought...I am suppose to pick up Sprite, crackers and popsicles for the sick ones at home (including me!)...Change of plans! So, I am at the hospital, and Mark was at home with the crying others...asking for "mommy"...he ended up putting them in the stroller and walking up to the hospital b/c I took the only car we have right now! I took Carter in to the dr as well, b/c he was acting the same way as Alli...By the end of the evening...Carter and Alli and I slept at the hospital and Mark took Sydney home, to peaceful rest!
The next day Mark had to be back at work. So, I had all 3 with me in the hospital room (boy was that fun :() They did xrays on Alli's tummy and did blood work on her as well...thankfully they all came back normal, and released us around lunch time.
She has had dr appointments everyday since to check her weight to see if she has improved. She has been losing weight, but her alertness is better and so we just keep offering her food and liquids...and celebrate when she wants please pray for her to get better quickly! Pray for Carter too...he is still struggling with this bug as well!
I have been "knocking, seeking" the Lord so our house will sell. And he gave me Luke 17 today...if you keep asking persistantly God will answer quickly. So, I asked God to set up a showing soon, b/c your Word says it...and it was so neat, around 5 tonight I got a call saying their is a request for a showing of our house tomorrow morning! Please pray with us consistantly about this issues. God will answer prayer. We need to have faith, and know that God is just and will do more than I can ever ask or think!
We headed back to the cities Friday afternoon and on the way, Alli started vomitting. She must have done that about 10 different times...thankfully we only had 1 more hour to go. We ended up throwing away her car seat, stripping her down and shifting everyone's seating. We thought maybe she was carsick, b/c she had just had a bottle in the car. But, we quickly realized when we got to Jack and Nancy' wasn't carsickness...the kids didn't want to eat their dinner. And just as the adults started to eat, Carter threw up all over me...GROSS!!! Than, Sydney kept saying she was sick too...I didn't know if it was true sickness or "sympathy sickness"...I felt fine, or so I thought....Sure, enough Sydney started throwing up too...Than, they all got diarreah on top of it. And, they wanted to drink liquids, which made everything worse! So...all night long Mark and I were up with one kid, who was either: throwing up or had a dirty diaper!
Saturday morning I was hoping it was a 24 hour bug and it was done...but no...they kept all their symptoms going.
Poor grandma and grandpa! They won't let us visit again!:)
Saturday night, I made a cake that was from a cookbook I got at the library. It took 2 hours! It looked so pretty with Coconut pressed on the outside of the buttercream frosting and the raspberry layered lemon/type cake!
Well, you guessed it! Sunday morning all the adults started getting queesy stomaches!
Sunday night, we headed back to Ely. I had a bucket in the front seat....Alli cried for 75% of the way back ...Carter couldn't stop asking for "mommy" and was crying...we were all going crazy! Mark had to pull over so I could "toss my cookies" and he pulled over to change some more smelly diapers...we thought for sure, we would blow a tire and hit a deer, the way our night was going...but, thankfully the Lord should us some mercy and guided us safely home!
When we arrived, I lost everything, and was exhausted...than in the middle of the night Mark did too...and Carter and Alli was sick again...she was becoming lethargic, which concerned I made a dr apointment right away Monday morning. When I arrived (barely) they said she needed to be admitted to the hospital to get an iv so she wasn't so dehydrated! Seriously, I thought...I am suppose to pick up Sprite, crackers and popsicles for the sick ones at home (including me!)...Change of plans! So, I am at the hospital, and Mark was at home with the crying others...asking for "mommy"...he ended up putting them in the stroller and walking up to the hospital b/c I took the only car we have right now! I took Carter in to the dr as well, b/c he was acting the same way as Alli...By the end of the evening...Carter and Alli and I slept at the hospital and Mark took Sydney home, to peaceful rest!
The next day Mark had to be back at work. So, I had all 3 with me in the hospital room (boy was that fun :() They did xrays on Alli's tummy and did blood work on her as well...thankfully they all came back normal, and released us around lunch time.
She has had dr appointments everyday since to check her weight to see if she has improved. She has been losing weight, but her alertness is better and so we just keep offering her food and liquids...and celebrate when she wants please pray for her to get better quickly! Pray for Carter too...he is still struggling with this bug as well!
I have been "knocking, seeking" the Lord so our house will sell. And he gave me Luke 17 today...if you keep asking persistantly God will answer quickly. So, I asked God to set up a showing soon, b/c your Word says it...and it was so neat, around 5 tonight I got a call saying their is a request for a showing of our house tomorrow morning! Please pray with us consistantly about this issues. God will answer prayer. We need to have faith, and know that God is just and will do more than I can ever ask or think!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
This morning the kids and I walked to was about 1.3 miles...they did great.
MOPS was so refreshing this morning. We talked alot about how we need to be hospitable (did I spell that right?)...Do people feel at home at your house? Are you always cleaning before they come? Can you be spontaneous? Do you really stop what you are doing when your guests are over and meet their needs? Really listening? It was sure a challenge. I thought back to Martha and Mary today when I read the Bible...I am more Martha than Mary. I want to be busy doing, and everyone to notice, rather than being quiet and listening to what I can learn. God help me there!
Sydney had a little girl come to play with her today and than, Paula and the kids and I walked to the "Ely Feed & Seed" to check out the plants...I made some beef stew, and I think we are going to just relax around home tonight...b/c we are coming home tomorrow (as long as there is no blizzard :))
Also, I have been struggling with wondering how to pray about the sale of our house. I wanted to keep praying that it sells, but yet be submissive to what God is trying to teach us and miss the lesson he has for us. I have tried to confess everything, thinking if I can just be "perfect" God will say "ok, now you are good, so I will sell your house"...and it was so neat, I was reading Luke 11 today and it was the "writing on the wall" I needed! God told the story about a friend asking another friend for 3 loaves of bread in the middle of the night...he was rejected b/c it was too late and they had already gone to bed. So God says...he wasn't given bread b/c of his friendship...the friend just kept knocking, and knocking and knocking, until the friend gave in and gave him what he asked for. What a simple lesson! Seek, and you will find, knock and the door shall be open unto you! Perserverance!!!!!!! So please pray with me, for the sale of our house!
MOPS was so refreshing this morning. We talked alot about how we need to be hospitable (did I spell that right?)...Do people feel at home at your house? Are you always cleaning before they come? Can you be spontaneous? Do you really stop what you are doing when your guests are over and meet their needs? Really listening? It was sure a challenge. I thought back to Martha and Mary today when I read the Bible...I am more Martha than Mary. I want to be busy doing, and everyone to notice, rather than being quiet and listening to what I can learn. God help me there!
Sydney had a little girl come to play with her today and than, Paula and the kids and I walked to the "Ely Feed & Seed" to check out the plants...I made some beef stew, and I think we are going to just relax around home tonight...b/c we are coming home tomorrow (as long as there is no blizzard :))
Also, I have been struggling with wondering how to pray about the sale of our house. I wanted to keep praying that it sells, but yet be submissive to what God is trying to teach us and miss the lesson he has for us. I have tried to confess everything, thinking if I can just be "perfect" God will say "ok, now you are good, so I will sell your house"...and it was so neat, I was reading Luke 11 today and it was the "writing on the wall" I needed! God told the story about a friend asking another friend for 3 loaves of bread in the middle of the night...he was rejected b/c it was too late and they had already gone to bed. So God says...he wasn't given bread b/c of his friendship...the friend just kept knocking, and knocking and knocking, until the friend gave in and gave him what he asked for. What a simple lesson! Seek, and you will find, knock and the door shall be open unto you! Perserverance!!!!!!! So please pray with me, for the sale of our house!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
We found out recently that Brenda and Kirk had a miscarriage!
Also, my girlfriend Amy was pregnant and had a miscarriage this week :(!
They both are planning on trying in the they are resting on God and looking forward to the future!
Keep them in your prayers. They both seem to be ok with everything knowing, God's will be done.
Today we had a playdate with Sydney and Gavin (Sydney is 4 and Gavin is 2), so it worked out perfectly. Their mom is Kristi, and she is pregnant due in June with surprise #3!
It was great to see Sydney dressing up with girly things and not "hunting" or "fighting off bad guys" for a change!
Tomorrow morning is MOPS...and we are going to try and walk their! I think it's about 1.2 miles poor kids!
Also, my girlfriend Amy was pregnant and had a miscarriage this week :(!
They both are planning on trying in the they are resting on God and looking forward to the future!
Keep them in your prayers. They both seem to be ok with everything knowing, God's will be done.
Today we had a playdate with Sydney and Gavin (Sydney is 4 and Gavin is 2), so it worked out perfectly. Their mom is Kristi, and she is pregnant due in June with surprise #3!
It was great to see Sydney dressing up with girly things and not "hunting" or "fighting off bad guys" for a change!
Tomorrow morning is MOPS...and we are going to try and walk their! I think it's about 1.2 miles poor kids!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I will survive!
Well...we survived...last week we got whipping winds/a little bit of snow. There were blizzard warnings for the whole northland region! We decided to not make the trip down to Audrey's wedding (Mark's cousin), the weather radio said "if travel is sure to have your survival kit". Seriously? That is crazy!
So, Friday night we met Paul and Matthew and their kids at Pizza Hut, they came back to our place and chatted and played Nintendo! It was fun fellowshiping!
Saturday we slept in, and dropped garbage at the dump and recycled our stuff...we drove around and had dinner at the GEL.
Sunday we checked out Ely Baptist again. We enjoyed it much more this time. They now have an intern pastor until they get a permament replacement.
Sunday afternoon was nap time! And than we walked around and played ninetendo and watched movies.
Yesterday was a good day, we got to take a long walk during the day and hit the grocery store quickly after Mark got off work (our grocery store closes at 7pm!!!).
Today we had was about the kids made some art projects and played. Tonight we are meeting Paula and Matthew and are walking to a lake and letting the kids play at the playground.
I have been reading Power of a praying Wife...and if you haven't read it...I ENCOURAGE you too!!! It will help you with your daily walk with God...and than your next priority...your husband! is looking in the upper 40-60's this week, so hopefully we won't be swept away by the floods of 3 feet melting snow...keep in touch!
So, Friday night we met Paul and Matthew and their kids at Pizza Hut, they came back to our place and chatted and played Nintendo! It was fun fellowshiping!
Saturday we slept in, and dropped garbage at the dump and recycled our stuff...we drove around and had dinner at the GEL.
Sunday we checked out Ely Baptist again. We enjoyed it much more this time. They now have an intern pastor until they get a permament replacement.
Sunday afternoon was nap time! And than we walked around and played ninetendo and watched movies.
Yesterday was a good day, we got to take a long walk during the day and hit the grocery store quickly after Mark got off work (our grocery store closes at 7pm!!!).
Today we had was about the kids made some art projects and played. Tonight we are meeting Paula and Matthew and are walking to a lake and letting the kids play at the playground.
I have been reading Power of a praying Wife...and if you haven't read it...I ENCOURAGE you too!!! It will help you with your daily walk with God...and than your next priority...your husband! is looking in the upper 40-60's this week, so hopefully we won't be swept away by the floods of 3 feet melting snow...keep in touch!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Another Blizzard is on the way...
You would think this was a long April Fool's Day joke...but it's not!
We are getting another blizzard come Thursday evening-Saturday morning...we are getting high winds and significant snow fall!
Today we watched Micah and Ana (Paula, my new friend here in Ely's kids). they were fun to have around, my kids really miss having we "smothered" them.
I made homemade chicken noodle soup Monday, and boy was it good...Grandma's cooking is always the best, and it lasted for 3 days straight! Mark is glad it's gone more soup for a while.
We are itching to get outside, but Cater's boots are soaked from laying in the we have to wait...b/c of the snow fall, we still don't have satellite, so no tv...but we are getting better at nintendo! :)
We are still hoping to head to the cities for that wedding, unless it's crazy snow...and than we will stay back...
I forgot to post the april fools day joke ely played on everyone. They posted signs that stated "keep ely in mn, say no to canada"...there were signs EVERYWHERE last Tuesday...the word spread fast, it was on the news in the cities, national news and even someone in Ubikistan called our mayor to try and "buy ely"...the chamber of commerce here, recently hired a new marketing firm to try and stir up new tourism in the area, and they definitely did their job. NO Ely is not getting bought by Canada...we are staying right here...and hope you come up too!
We are getting another blizzard come Thursday evening-Saturday morning...we are getting high winds and significant snow fall!
Today we watched Micah and Ana (Paula, my new friend here in Ely's kids). they were fun to have around, my kids really miss having we "smothered" them.
I made homemade chicken noodle soup Monday, and boy was it good...Grandma's cooking is always the best, and it lasted for 3 days straight! Mark is glad it's gone more soup for a while.
We are itching to get outside, but Cater's boots are soaked from laying in the we have to wait...b/c of the snow fall, we still don't have satellite, so no tv...but we are getting better at nintendo! :)
We are still hoping to head to the cities for that wedding, unless it's crazy snow...and than we will stay back...
I forgot to post the april fools day joke ely played on everyone. They posted signs that stated "keep ely in mn, say no to canada"...there were signs EVERYWHERE last Tuesday...the word spread fast, it was on the news in the cities, national news and even someone in Ubikistan called our mayor to try and "buy ely"...the chamber of commerce here, recently hired a new marketing firm to try and stir up new tourism in the area, and they definitely did their job. NO Ely is not getting bought by Canada...we are staying right here...and hope you come up too!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Seriously, is it Spring?
Let me tell you! Whatever happened to Spring? It has been snowing since Saturday night, and it is suppose to continue until tomorrow sometime! They said we had about 2 feet as of Last night...and it looks like 3-4 feet of snow out there right now! Our van is stuck in our parking space, when we got grocery's yesterday we had to put them in a SLED to transfer them to our apartment!!! Churches were canceled yesterday. Business' were closed today, the post office said they were going to try and get mail out, but if your walkway or sidewalk wasn't shoveled, they weren't going to bother. I thought it was suppose to be Spring?
We had a great time Friday night at the VCC (vermillion community college) play! South Pacific was great. The kids did good with Bill and Dorene and they volunteered to watch the kids again soon for us. We will take them up on that!
Saturday we drove to Grand Marias, it was so nice, it was 40's, none of were wearing coats. We ate pizza at Sven and Ole's and walked the boardwalk area...looked for moose, in vain. But we did see a couple of coyote's and deer.
Tomorrow is ECFE (maybe, pending weather), and I am going to make a day trip to Virginia to get the glass fixed on our van windshield. Friday we are heading to the BIG CITIES for a wedding...yeah!
I have been reading in Matthew the past couple of weeks and learned a few things that I must have ignored in Bible class: Jesus fed 4,000 people and at another time 5,000 people...I just thought he did that one time...also, I wasn't familiar with transfiguration, and didn't realize that Moses and Elijiah actually met with Jesus and a couple of his disciples when they were praying. Also, his parables are so applicable and easy to understand and apply it to explain eternity and how to treat people. I think the Religious leaders did us a favor trying to "trick Jesus" into saying something that could get him put to death...
I was talking to Melanie about her church and her pastor was witnessing to a fellow and said...I am not religious, and don't like "religious people" fact, it was "religious people" who tried to put Jesus to death!....interesting?
Have a good week, and if you want to fire up the snowmobile...head north!
We had a great time Friday night at the VCC (vermillion community college) play! South Pacific was great. The kids did good with Bill and Dorene and they volunteered to watch the kids again soon for us. We will take them up on that!
Saturday we drove to Grand Marias, it was so nice, it was 40's, none of were wearing coats. We ate pizza at Sven and Ole's and walked the boardwalk area...looked for moose, in vain. But we did see a couple of coyote's and deer.
Tomorrow is ECFE (maybe, pending weather), and I am going to make a day trip to Virginia to get the glass fixed on our van windshield. Friday we are heading to the BIG CITIES for a wedding...yeah!
I have been reading in Matthew the past couple of weeks and learned a few things that I must have ignored in Bible class: Jesus fed 4,000 people and at another time 5,000 people...I just thought he did that one time...also, I wasn't familiar with transfiguration, and didn't realize that Moses and Elijiah actually met with Jesus and a couple of his disciples when they were praying. Also, his parables are so applicable and easy to understand and apply it to explain eternity and how to treat people. I think the Religious leaders did us a favor trying to "trick Jesus" into saying something that could get him put to death...
I was talking to Melanie about her church and her pastor was witnessing to a fellow and said...I am not religious, and don't like "religious people" fact, it was "religious people" who tried to put Jesus to death!....interesting?
Have a good week, and if you want to fire up the snowmobile...head north!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Rain Boots
Well, I think Rain Boots are top of the list to buy next time we hit the cities! I took the kids to the park yesterday and the water puddles came up to Carter's knees! He was a little stinker of course and jumped right in! This is the second time he has done that, he is a magnet for water puddles...
I met Paula and her two kids there and than we headed back to her place to dry off.
We were invited to go out to the play "South Pacific" tomorrow night and are going with 3 other couples. Mark's co worker and her husband volunteered to watch the kids.
Today was MOPS and we did scrapbooking, it was so fun!
We have story time here at the library tomorrow morning...
Hope all is well with you...keep in touch.
I met Paula and her two kids there and than we headed back to her place to dry off.
We were invited to go out to the play "South Pacific" tomorrow night and are going with 3 other couples. Mark's co worker and her husband volunteered to watch the kids.
Today was MOPS and we did scrapbooking, it was so fun!
We have story time here at the library tomorrow morning...
Hope all is well with you...keep in touch.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Sunday fun
We enjoyed the Ely Gospel Tabernacle on Sunday. The music worship part was a blessing. The "tab" wasn't the church for us however. I didn't like the part that the pastor was praying for all the churches in the local area who didn't have pastors to get them (he prayed for lutherans, catholic, baptist, etc...). I felt as though, we were praying for them to be "lead astray". They believe in a personal relationship with Christ, but I think the lines of "accepting everyone and everything" and not "offending anyone" were issues they blurred my standards on. I think that if you are of Christ, you will offend some people. You will suffer for Christ (in a very small way).
Anyways...Sunday we were going to go out with some people, but we didn't connect, so we ended up driving around later on and going out to eat ourselves...We probably saw a dozen deer over by the lake. It's fun to see.
Monday was a good day. The kids and I went to an ECFE Gym night where they played with lots of kids in a gym. We also hit the library to get some new books (I swear we read about an hour a day).
Today I had a follow up check up with the dr. All is good.
Tonight, Sydney and Mark have a date night, so I better get off the computer so they can go to the GEL.
We are planning on going out to eat and see a play with some people in town Friday night. Just feeling guilt-free about leaving the the hardest for me. And, meeting new people. We won't know the couples we are going with (except one)
Wednesday looks like a playdate with Paula and her two kids, and Thursday is MOPS! YEAH! Well...hopefully I can update soon! Have a great week...and keep praying our house to sell!
Anyways...Sunday we were going to go out with some people, but we didn't connect, so we ended up driving around later on and going out to eat ourselves...We probably saw a dozen deer over by the lake. It's fun to see.
Monday was a good day. The kids and I went to an ECFE Gym night where they played with lots of kids in a gym. We also hit the library to get some new books (I swear we read about an hour a day).
Today I had a follow up check up with the dr. All is good.
Tonight, Sydney and Mark have a date night, so I better get off the computer so they can go to the GEL.
We are planning on going out to eat and see a play with some people in town Friday night. Just feeling guilt-free about leaving the the hardest for me. And, meeting new people. We won't know the couples we are going with (except one)
Wednesday looks like a playdate with Paula and her two kids, and Thursday is MOPS! YEAH! Well...hopefully I can update soon! Have a great week...and keep praying our house to sell!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Weekend! Basketball!
Well, the weekend is here!YEAH!
Yesterday Paula came over for some fellowship. It is so neat, how we can instantly connect with people because the Holy Spirit is dwelling in us...isn't it?
We are planning to attend Ely's Gospel Tabernacle church on Sunday, we are trying it out and this coming Sunday they have a special service. Paula and her husband and their two kids are going to be visiting there as well. I think we are going to go out for lunch or get together afterwards.
Today, we are going to check out the Bear Center Museum in town.
We might window shop and than we have to get back in time for BASKETBALL! Two very important games toinght :)!
I have been in constant prayer over our house to sell this weekend...So, if you think of us, pray for our house to sell. I know God has a purpose for waiting, and He knows best.
Yesterday Paula came over for some fellowship. It is so neat, how we can instantly connect with people because the Holy Spirit is dwelling in us...isn't it?
We are planning to attend Ely's Gospel Tabernacle church on Sunday, we are trying it out and this coming Sunday they have a special service. Paula and her husband and their two kids are going to be visiting there as well. I think we are going to go out for lunch or get together afterwards.
Today, we are going to check out the Bear Center Museum in town.
We might window shop and than we have to get back in time for BASKETBALL! Two very important games toinght :)!
I have been in constant prayer over our house to sell this weekend...So, if you think of us, pray for our house to sell. I know God has a purpose for waiting, and He knows best.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Long Week
It has been a long week for me. I think because the weather is cold and we have been cooped up inside!
Yesterday we went outside for a walk and were popsicles when we got back! But, it was funny to see the kids just soaking up the outdoors!
We went to the library to pick up books mid-week and today the kids are listening to story time. This afternoon I am doing my first "hostessing"...a lady I met at church, mops groups is coming over for some "girl chat". I am excited!
Alli is crawling all over the place and getting into mischief! She bounces in her bed in the morning and is starting a stuborn/fiesty streak (wonder where she got that?) :)
Carter got his haircut by me the 2nd looks good!
Sydney is ready to have playdates and meet more kids her age.
I am reading a couple of good books that I would highly recommend..."Excellent Wife" and "The Power of a Praying Wife"...I am learning so much through the Bible and these great books. Something I especially learned...I try to change Mark/others sometimes. But, if I truly believe God answers prayers...why don't I ask God about it? Instead of power of my words to change, why don't I sit back and ask God to use his powers to do any changing? Interesting?
Anyways...this weekend I think we are going to explore the museums in Ely. Have a great weekend!
Yesterday we went outside for a walk and were popsicles when we got back! But, it was funny to see the kids just soaking up the outdoors!
We went to the library to pick up books mid-week and today the kids are listening to story time. This afternoon I am doing my first "hostessing"...a lady I met at church, mops groups is coming over for some "girl chat". I am excited!
Alli is crawling all over the place and getting into mischief! She bounces in her bed in the morning and is starting a stuborn/fiesty streak (wonder where she got that?) :)
Carter got his haircut by me the 2nd looks good!
Sydney is ready to have playdates and meet more kids her age.
I am reading a couple of good books that I would highly recommend..."Excellent Wife" and "The Power of a Praying Wife"...I am learning so much through the Bible and these great books. Something I especially learned...I try to change Mark/others sometimes. But, if I truly believe God answers prayers...why don't I ask God about it? Instead of power of my words to change, why don't I sit back and ask God to use his powers to do any changing? Interesting?
Anyways...this weekend I think we are going to explore the museums in Ely. Have a great weekend!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Mark!
Mark is now officially 32 years young! We celebrated Saturday night by heading down to his parents and by grilling and indulging in a DQ cake!
We were able to spend time with Great Grandma Olson, auntie Janet and Heidi.
The kids colored eggs with grandma and grandpa and had an easter egg hunt! :) they loved it...what a fun set of grandparents!
Sunday morning we went to First Baptist for their musical, and one word to describe that.... WOW! It really set the mood for celebrating Easter.
We pretty much headed back to Ely afterwards, but took the scenic route. We saw at least 15 deer grazing on the side of the road. Oh nature is so neat.
Mark and I got back about 7ish and ordered some food in.
Checked the basketball scores...and Carter and I are tied at 25 games, Mark at 24 games, and Sydney trailing at 16 games.
Tonight we are at his work hanging out and than we will go to DQ for dinner.
Tomorrow we have an appointment in the morning...Its colder and winder...hoping for Spring soon!
Please keep praying that our house sells quickly. No news on scheduling that 2nd showing yet!
We were able to spend time with Great Grandma Olson, auntie Janet and Heidi.
The kids colored eggs with grandma and grandpa and had an easter egg hunt! :) they loved it...what a fun set of grandparents!
Sunday morning we went to First Baptist for their musical, and one word to describe that.... WOW! It really set the mood for celebrating Easter.
We pretty much headed back to Ely afterwards, but took the scenic route. We saw at least 15 deer grazing on the side of the road. Oh nature is so neat.
Mark and I got back about 7ish and ordered some food in.
Checked the basketball scores...and Carter and I are tied at 25 games, Mark at 24 games, and Sydney trailing at 16 games.
Tonight we are at his work hanging out and than we will go to DQ for dinner.
Tomorrow we have an appointment in the morning...Its colder and winder...hoping for Spring soon!
Please keep praying that our house sells quickly. No news on scheduling that 2nd showing yet!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I am excited to report, that the people who looked at our house last night....requested a second showing! They want their parents to see it before they leave for Texas on Monday...and our house was #1 on their list of houses they liked! Praise! Praise!!!
So, please pray they submit and offer while we are down for the weekend. I think it would make our "paperwork" so much easier!!! Please pray with us, that our house will sell this weekend!
Today was a great day. Went to MOPS...we learned 3 dessert recipes from the cook of the YMCA camp up here. He was great. It was so fun to fellowship with other moms, and get great tips. The kids had fun mingling with other children as well.
BASKETBALL has started and we just returned our books at the library and are going back for our "appetizers" and to watch the games!
Have a great weekend everyone!
So, please pray they submit and offer while we are down for the weekend. I think it would make our "paperwork" so much easier!!! Please pray with us, that our house will sell this weekend!
Today was a great day. Went to MOPS...we learned 3 dessert recipes from the cook of the YMCA camp up here. He was great. It was so fun to fellowship with other moms, and get great tips. The kids had fun mingling with other children as well.
BASKETBALL has started and we just returned our books at the library and are going back for our "appetizers" and to watch the games!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
So, Sunday we visited "Berean Baptist Church". It was a lot like Bunker Lake Baptist. It was small, looked like a one room school house from the outside. It was beautiful, huge windows to view nature. The people weren't as friendly as the other church, but they were very cordial. Sydney, Carter and Alli ended up in the nursery for Sunday morning service, the don't have any preschoolers so, she didn't have any classes to go to. Attendance was about 50, half being kids, which was cool to see, but most were school-age. I ran into 2 moms I had met at my MOPS movie night. They were nice. One invited me to her home for a little play, but her kids are older so I don't think it's quite a match. I ended up seeing the other mom Monday at the dr office (she is a family practice dr) b/c I was struggling with my coughing and breathing again. I really appreciated her thoroughness. She had me get a chest x-ray and some lab work done to see if she could pin point what was going on. She did notice a small spot on my lungs, but is thinking it was just the way my blood vessels are in my lungs. Also, my white count was high for an allergic reaction. I get asmtha spazams when I am exposed to mold. And am wondering if this apartment we are at, has a huge problem? So, Mark and I will be looking to move here by June 1st.
Tuesday was fun. We went to ECFE, the kids had a blast and so did I. I recognized almost everyone there, and they were so friendly. I think we are going to join the ECFE program. I am checking into Happy Days preschool for Sydney, which she would attend while I take the other 2 to ECFE. Mark hosted his FIRST EVER ANNUAL MEETING for his CREDIT UNION last night!!!! He said it went well. They are good financial, and the people were receptive to him.
Today we had dr appointments for Alli (now weighing 20 pounds) and Carter (at 30 pounds). Tonight we are going to do our basketball brackets for MARCH MADNESS...and we are going to head to the GEL for a night of family swimming.
The weather here is really nice. It's in the 30's...and we are walking everywhere!
IF you get a chance. Call or come up!
Coming back for a quick visit to the cities for Mark's 32nd birthday and Easter...Hope to hear from you soon!
Tuesday was fun. We went to ECFE, the kids had a blast and so did I. I recognized almost everyone there, and they were so friendly. I think we are going to join the ECFE program. I am checking into Happy Days preschool for Sydney, which she would attend while I take the other 2 to ECFE. Mark hosted his FIRST EVER ANNUAL MEETING for his CREDIT UNION last night!!!! He said it went well. They are good financial, and the people were receptive to him.
Today we had dr appointments for Alli (now weighing 20 pounds) and Carter (at 30 pounds). Tonight we are going to do our basketball brackets for MARCH MADNESS...and we are going to head to the GEL for a night of family swimming.
The weather here is really nice. It's in the 30's...and we are walking everywhere!
IF you get a chance. Call or come up!
Coming back for a quick visit to the cities for Mark's 32nd birthday and Easter...Hope to hear from you soon!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Hi! It's been pretty busy lately! Friday night we went to the ECFE family fun night. It was pretty busy. I ran into a couple of the moms I met the night before. The kids were able to dance around on the dance floor (it wasn't bump/grind trashy stuff), it was more like "if your happy and you know it" and oldies the kids just ran around and burned off some energy. I actually left sweating! It was so fun! We ended up going out to Pizza Hut for dinner.
Saturday was a fun trip to Duluth, and Sunday was visiting a new church. I will post more later, the library guy is kicking us out!
Saturday was a fun trip to Duluth, and Sunday was visiting a new church. I will post more later, the library guy is kicking us out!
Friday, March 14, 2008
My Mops Girls Night
Well, last night, I went to the MOPS girls night out. It was so fun. We watched "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" and ate appetizers at the VCC (vermillion community college).. It was relaxing and fun to watch a movie with no interruptions!
The ladies here are very inviting and friendly. I found out, that 2 of them have kids the same age as Sydney and they would be in Sydney's preschool class if we enroll her next year.
They all know someone who can connect you with whatever you are looking for, which is kind of neat.
They encouraged me to get involved in ECFE if I wanted, which was something I was going to check out myself.
Tonight is a Family Fun night with ECFE, it's pizza food and play for the kids. So, Mark and I are taking them to that!
The weather is looking great! 30 degree days.
Have a great weekend!
The ladies here are very inviting and friendly. I found out, that 2 of them have kids the same age as Sydney and they would be in Sydney's preschool class if we enroll her next year.
They all know someone who can connect you with whatever you are looking for, which is kind of neat.
They encouraged me to get involved in ECFE if I wanted, which was something I was going to check out myself.
Tonight is a Family Fun night with ECFE, it's pizza food and play for the kids. So, Mark and I are taking them to that!
The weather is looking great! 30 degree days.
Have a great weekend!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Our family has exiting news!!! We found out we are going to be auntie and uncle 2 times!
Sharon and Brandon are expecting baby #2 September 13th...she is about 13 weeks along...and...
Brenda and Kirk are expecting baby #2 November 2nd! How exiting!! She is about 6 weeks along!
YEAHOOOO!!! We love babies! Congrats to both of them.
(bet you thought we were pregnant...:) not yet!)
We had a good weekend at Carter's birthday party. He got a ton of basketballs, baseballs, etc...anything with "ball" attached to it...and he got it.
We enjoyed time with family, but its good to be back in Ely.
It's in the 30's here, so its outside for us, everyday!
Have a good week!!!
Sharon and Brandon are expecting baby #2 September 13th...she is about 13 weeks along...and...
Brenda and Kirk are expecting baby #2 November 2nd! How exiting!! She is about 6 weeks along!
YEAHOOOO!!! We love babies! Congrats to both of them.
(bet you thought we were pregnant...:) not yet!)
We had a good weekend at Carter's birthday party. He got a ton of basketballs, baseballs, etc...anything with "ball" attached to it...and he got it.
We enjoyed time with family, but its good to be back in Ely.
It's in the 30's here, so its outside for us, everyday!
Have a good week!!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Cold in Ely
Of's below zero here in Ely! We are getting another cold snap (has it ever left is what we are all wondering?)...but, I do see 30's in the forecast for next we have been hibernating at home this past week.
We did take the kids swimming at the GEL (grand ely lodge) last night, which was fun! Alli was crying and whinning for the first 15 minutes, and than she loved the water! She was jumping and laughing...just took her a little bit. The kids really liked the hot tub too, so of course, I suffered and sat in the hot tub with them :)
We are going to storytime tomorrow, and packing up to come back to the BIG CITIES this weekend. It's going to be a long ride...but the outcome is worth it! SHOPPING!!! :))
Have a great weekend.
We did take the kids swimming at the GEL (grand ely lodge) last night, which was fun! Alli was crying and whinning for the first 15 minutes, and than she loved the water! She was jumping and laughing...just took her a little bit. The kids really liked the hot tub too, so of course, I suffered and sat in the hot tub with them :)
We are going to storytime tomorrow, and packing up to come back to the BIG CITIES this weekend. It's going to be a long ride...but the outcome is worth it! SHOPPING!!! :))
Have a great weekend.
Monday, March 3, 2008
What a weekend it was!
Ely had their first ever wolf-dog sled races! They raced from Ely to Tower and back...they served a lasagna dinner to celebrate before and had an award ceremony was cool to see the different trucks carrying the dogs and the sleds they pulled! I think their was about 6-8 teams.
Very cool!
Sunday we visited Ely Baptist Church. I miss my old church already :)..
It was very friendly! They are searching for a pastor, so they are in "holding" mode right now. It's hard to choose a church with no pastor...Sydney enjoyed her Sunday school class. It was pretty small, her and 2 other kids were the only children.
Carter and Alli went to the nursery, b/c Mark's coworker was working it that day.
We were blessed by the music and Sunday school's so different here. I wish I could describe it to you...basically almost culture shock :), but not in a bad way. We had a couple people ask us out to lunch (and they meant all 5 of us! CRAZY!)...we ended up going out to lunch with everyone at the GEL (Grand Ely Lodge)...apparently the normal "after church" gathering...
We enjoyed EBC...I think we are going to check out Berean Baptist church in a couple of weeks, just to see where the Lord wants us.
It's gotten colder here, it was in the 30's yesterday, and today its' below wind chill again! walks tonight.
I am going to just head back home and snuggle up with the fam!
I did find out about the MOPS group, and in fact a mom invited me to a "girls movie night out" next thursday I am going to do. Got to just throw myself out there...It sounds like fun!
Well...whenever you want to visit! :)
Ely had their first ever wolf-dog sled races! They raced from Ely to Tower and back...they served a lasagna dinner to celebrate before and had an award ceremony was cool to see the different trucks carrying the dogs and the sleds they pulled! I think their was about 6-8 teams.
Very cool!
Sunday we visited Ely Baptist Church. I miss my old church already :)..
It was very friendly! They are searching for a pastor, so they are in "holding" mode right now. It's hard to choose a church with no pastor...Sydney enjoyed her Sunday school class. It was pretty small, her and 2 other kids were the only children.
Carter and Alli went to the nursery, b/c Mark's coworker was working it that day.
We were blessed by the music and Sunday school's so different here. I wish I could describe it to you...basically almost culture shock :), but not in a bad way. We had a couple people ask us out to lunch (and they meant all 5 of us! CRAZY!)...we ended up going out to lunch with everyone at the GEL (Grand Ely Lodge)...apparently the normal "after church" gathering...
We enjoyed EBC...I think we are going to check out Berean Baptist church in a couple of weeks, just to see where the Lord wants us.
It's gotten colder here, it was in the 30's yesterday, and today its' below wind chill again! walks tonight.
I am going to just head back home and snuggle up with the fam!
I did find out about the MOPS group, and in fact a mom invited me to a "girls movie night out" next thursday I am going to do. Got to just throw myself out there...It sounds like fun!
Well...whenever you want to visit! :)
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Still alive!!!
We are now living in Ely, MN! It's Mark and I and the kids. Heidi is now living with family friends. Gary and Kathi King. She was able to go back to her friends and school, which she missed. She is adjusting well...and she had her 15th birthday last HAPPY BIRTHDAY again, Heidi!
Well...we came up here last Sunday night...and our new chapter has started. It is so nice up here. I hope you all can come up and visit sometime.
We live in a 1 bedroom apartment, but it is huge! It's 1200 square feet, and everything is separated, so it's more like an upstairs "duplex". We have a flower shop I got to keep the kids quiet during the day.
I have been busy unpacking, organizing...and oh yes...scrubbing floors...I have probably spent about 5 hours doing that so far this past week...and I am not done yet.
I have been feeling sick lately, so I finally got checked out. They diagnosed me with Whopping cough! Crazy! I was throwing up everytime I would cough...and I probably threw up 100+ a 5 hour was getting a little annoying! (especially in our close quarters)
I don't have the internet at home. So I am going to be coming to the library to check email and update my blog.
I can't upload pictures right now...but when I can, I will post some Ely Sites.
Today we are going to explore trails and the town/shops of Ely! It will be nice.
It's so nice being with Mark. The kids and I have really missed him! We get to see him off to work, a quick 10 minute break in the morning and than...and hour for lunch...and he is home 5ish! So, it's something to look forward too...
We started "story time" at the library on Fridays, they really have a nice library and kids program up here.
I am going to search for the mops group this week...and we are trying out a church tomorrow...
Alli started pulling herself up on things and is now using her "nnanna, mmamma" sounds! How exiting!!!
Carter is looking forward to his 2nd birthday next weekend. We will be heading back to the "Big Cities" for that...
Hope all is well with everyone.
Please pray our house sells quickly. God is in control...and I can only humbly come to him with my requests.
Keep me posted on YOU!
Well...we came up here last Sunday night...and our new chapter has started. It is so nice up here. I hope you all can come up and visit sometime.
We live in a 1 bedroom apartment, but it is huge! It's 1200 square feet, and everything is separated, so it's more like an upstairs "duplex". We have a flower shop I got to keep the kids quiet during the day.
I have been busy unpacking, organizing...and oh yes...scrubbing floors...I have probably spent about 5 hours doing that so far this past week...and I am not done yet.
I have been feeling sick lately, so I finally got checked out. They diagnosed me with Whopping cough! Crazy! I was throwing up everytime I would cough...and I probably threw up 100+ a 5 hour was getting a little annoying! (especially in our close quarters)
I don't have the internet at home. So I am going to be coming to the library to check email and update my blog.
I can't upload pictures right now...but when I can, I will post some Ely Sites.
Today we are going to explore trails and the town/shops of Ely! It will be nice.
It's so nice being with Mark. The kids and I have really missed him! We get to see him off to work, a quick 10 minute break in the morning and than...and hour for lunch...and he is home 5ish! So, it's something to look forward too...
We started "story time" at the library on Fridays, they really have a nice library and kids program up here.
I am going to search for the mops group this week...and we are trying out a church tomorrow...
Alli started pulling herself up on things and is now using her "nnanna, mmamma" sounds! How exiting!!!
Carter is looking forward to his 2nd birthday next weekend. We will be heading back to the "Big Cities" for that...
Hope all is well with everyone.
Please pray our house sells quickly. God is in control...and I can only humbly come to him with my requests.
Keep me posted on YOU!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Today was a Blessing!
Today was one of those blessing days! Where everything just seemed to go right.
Ever have those days? I was waiting for some disruptive phone call at the end of the day to throw it all off, but thankfully it never came.
Well, court today was good. Heidi is going to be staying with her close friends, because we will be moving to Ely soon. They just need to go through the licensing stage and then, they should be clear. Heidi is thrilled to be with her friend and feels safe there. That was number one blessing.
It's a blessing to report that my other sister Rebekah has accepted Christ as her personal Savior. She was sick of trying to do everything on her own, fix things herself and leaned on Christ... Glory be to God!
The kids and I were in high spirits today, and accomplished a lot of packing.
Please pray with us that our house will sell sometime in the month of February.
Have a great weekend!
*We are traveling to Ely for the weekend. Melanie, Heidi, the kids and I and Mark's parents are all going up. Mark's parents got a night at the Grand Ely Lodge, so we can spend the day in the pool, hot tub, etc...and keep warm from the below zero temperatures.
Ever have those days? I was waiting for some disruptive phone call at the end of the day to throw it all off, but thankfully it never came.
Well, court today was good. Heidi is going to be staying with her close friends, because we will be moving to Ely soon. They just need to go through the licensing stage and then, they should be clear. Heidi is thrilled to be with her friend and feels safe there. That was number one blessing.
It's a blessing to report that my other sister Rebekah has accepted Christ as her personal Savior. She was sick of trying to do everything on her own, fix things herself and leaned on Christ... Glory be to God!
The kids and I were in high spirits today, and accomplished a lot of packing.
Please pray with us that our house will sell sometime in the month of February.
Have a great weekend!
*We are traveling to Ely for the weekend. Melanie, Heidi, the kids and I and Mark's parents are all going up. Mark's parents got a night at the Grand Ely Lodge, so we can spend the day in the pool, hot tub, etc...and keep warm from the below zero temperatures.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Kids, Court...Life?

Hello you's been wickedly cold here, so the kids and I are going house-crazy wanting to be outside!
I took a picture of Alli in her outfit from Auntie Melanie, and added the knit hat from grandma krekelberg...matches perfectly! Thanks guys!
We are looking forward to Mark coming home this weekend, b/c all the kids are sick with a cold virus...and let's just face it, we love being with him and miss him while is up in Ely.
We are planning to move to Ely either next weekend or the following weekend.
Our house has not sold, so keep that as a prayer request.
Also, I found out this week that my friend Paul Wirth's dad passed away from cancer at the end of pray for the Wirth family (they just lost his mom about 2 years ago to cancer).
Also, our church has a pastor candidating the next couple of weeks, so really keep the church on the front burner of your prayer life this week...pray for wisdom of our congregation.
Well, yesterday was court, but the attorney's delayed if for another week. So next week I can have an update on how things are moving with Heidi being here.
We are hoping to have her just move to Ely with us. She is doing great, meeting new people, developing her own convictions and relationships.
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About Me
- Krista
- I am a wife and mother of three beautful children. I like to keep busy up here in Ely, since there isn't much to do. Sydney is in preschool, and I take the kids to ECFE every week. I am starting a ladies bible study 2 times a month and am also leading another bible study, twice a month. We love hiking, boating, fishing and going on dates together...we love our new life up here in Ely!