Monday, July 28, 2008

3 offers on the house

Good news is, we got three offers on our house this past weekend! Now, pray for wisdom and a quick and smooth transactions...Praise God! He got us this far, I know he will get us through.
We are planning on heading down to the cities the weekend of August 8 & 9th to haul our stuff from our SF home up to our new home in Ely.
My sister Melanie is coming up to visit with me this weekend, while Mark slaves away at work all weekend...he has to get the computer systems ready to start up Monday morning (the big please pray for a smooth transition)!
This past weekend we had fun at the Blueberry, the park was packed with people... Serious crafters and shoppers...
Sunday we just layed around and went to church.
We are keeping busy this week by fishing, hiking and playing at the park.
Tomorrow is an ice cream social at the library, so the kids are excited for that.
I think tomorrow we might roast hot dogs and marshmallows at a local beach and park area.
Hope you are all doing well...keep praying for us here.

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Yay! I can't wait to hear the Final Decision!:)

About Me

I am a wife and mother of three beautful children. I like to keep busy up here in Ely, since there isn't much to do. Sydney is in preschool, and I take the kids to ECFE every week. I am starting a ladies bible study 2 times a month and am also leading another bible study, twice a month. We love hiking, boating, fishing and going on dates together...we love our new life up here in Ely!