Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I will survive!

Well...we survived...last week we got whipping winds/a little bit of snow. There were blizzard warnings for the whole northland region! We decided to not make the trip down to Audrey's wedding (Mark's cousin), the weather radio said "if travel is necessary...be sure to have your survival kit". Seriously? That is crazy!
So, Friday night we met Paul and Matthew and their kids at Pizza Hut, they came back to our place and chatted and played Nintendo! It was fun fellowshiping!
Saturday we slept in, and dropped garbage at the dump and recycled our stuff...we drove around and had dinner at the GEL.
Sunday we checked out Ely Baptist again. We enjoyed it much more this time. They now have an intern pastor until they get a permament replacement.
Sunday afternoon was nap time! And than we walked around and played ninetendo and watched movies.
Yesterday was a good day, we got to take a long walk during the day and hit the grocery store quickly after Mark got off work (our grocery store closes at 7pm!!!).
Today we had ECFE...it was about birds...so the kids made some art projects and played. Tonight we are meeting Paula and Matthew and are walking to a lake and letting the kids play at the playground.
I have been reading Power of a praying Wife...and if you haven't read it...I ENCOURAGE you too!!! It will help you with your daily walk with God...and than your next priority...your husband!
Well...weather is looking in the upper 40-60's this week, so hopefully we won't be swept away by the floods of 3 feet melting snow...keep in touch!

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About Me

I am a wife and mother of three beautful children. I like to keep busy up here in Ely, since there isn't much to do. Sydney is in preschool, and I take the kids to ECFE every week. I am starting a ladies bible study 2 times a month and am also leading another bible study, twice a month. We love hiking, boating, fishing and going on dates together...we love our new life up here in Ely!