Wednesday, May 14, 2008

No news

Unfortunately no news on the house. Which is usually bad news! We still have faith. Christ is going to sell our house, whether its today or 20 years from now...or maybe it will burn down? Who knows. If Christ came back tonight, it wouldn't matter now would it? (thoughts I keep telling myself)..."Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, if anyone love the world, the love of the Father is not in him"...tough lesson to learn!
Carter has officially given up his pacifier! He threw it in the garbage about 2 weeks ago because it was broken. Monday I heard Carter in the bathroom, and it sounded like trouble, but I didn't want to go see what he did...but...I did...He had our hand soap all over the toilet seat, in the toilet bowl...with the toilet brush, cleaning away! I was so pleased! What a good helper! :) I gave him a buzz cut yesterday, he looks adorable.

Today, we had some friends over: Allison LaTourell (her family owns a resort up here and she has two kids age 4 & 2) Kristi Marshall (she is involved with ECFE & MOPS, her husband works at the college, and they have 3 kids ages 4 & 2 & one due in June) Jennifer D (her husband works in the mining industry and they have two adopted kids ages 3 & 1). We had a full house! So we decided since it was a beautiful day, to take a walk on the Trazona Trail... Carter was full speed ahead of me, and than he darted off the path (you have to understand, the Trazona Trail was built around an old mine that flooded back in the 60' you are pretty much walking the "Grand Canyon" but overlooking Miner's Lake which is about 350 feet deep!...He was heading up the cliff to look over to the water! I ran with everything I had in me and some of what I didn't have and caught up to him...Thank the Lord he didn't trip or slip down the cliff...and he was pretty much tied to the stroller for the rest of the walk! Whew! They all came back and we had lunch together and played! It was nice...tonight we are going for another walk around the lake...and hopefully this time Carter learned his lesson (and me too)
We did head back to the cities last weekend, I got sick for a day or so...but we spent time with family. It was nice to be in some warmer weather on Sunday!
Tomorrow morning is a MOPS brunch and than Story time on Friday...keep praying our house sells.

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About Me

I am a wife and mother of three beautful children. I like to keep busy up here in Ely, since there isn't much to do. Sydney is in preschool, and I take the kids to ECFE every week. I am starting a ladies bible study 2 times a month and am also leading another bible study, twice a month. We love hiking, boating, fishing and going on dates together...we love our new life up here in Ely!