Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sleigh Ride

Last Sunday we went on a sleigh ride, compliments of the Karpe's...and had a blast. This week seems to just slip away from me! How about you? I still have to go Christmas shopping for most everyone, so looks like Mark and I are going to have to double team it, split up and shop!
We found this GREAT new hill by us, so the kids and I have already been sledding twice this week. I am excited for the new snow so we can go again tonight! If you are up this way and like sledding!!! This is your hill! I was so scared going down, b/c it had all the "jumps and stuff". Not my kids! They were running into their sleds and flying over the jump! (crazy!, even Carter)
Hope your Christmas is splendid...Don't forget to Thank God for giving us the best gift of all. HIS SON!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ok, here's the scoop

Here's the picture of Alli, eating rice cereal for the first time! She is starting to roll over now. It's so exciting to see. She sits up for a while as well. She now weighs 17lbs 13oz. She is just a joy to have around. She loves eating ALL fruits and veggies and I am so thankful to the Lord for "fixing" her colon. She poops at least once a day!
Carter and Sydney LOVE being outside in the snow, the Lord programed them perfectly for Ely!
I took them sledding today, they didnt want to leave, but still couldn't make it back up the hill to go down "one more time".
Sydney has such a sweet heart. She is always looking out for her siblings. She is anxious to start reading and is a great colorer!!!
Mark and Sydney left last week to go find a place to live in Ely. It looks like we have a 1200 square foot apartment. Right about the local florist. (maybe I will be getting flowers more frequently now :))
The biggest news of our family is my sister Heidi is living with us. She was pulled out of school last week and put into the foster care system. God is good. Two hours before the court hearing, the Lord worked it out so we would be qualified to become her foster parents. God is good. She is happy and we are searching for what God has for all of us next. Schooling, etc...
Keep us in your prayers as we all adjust.
We dont' know how long this is going to be going on...but we are waiting and content.
God Bless you all over the holiday season! To God be the glory.

Friday, December 7, 2007


I realized, I didn't post any Halloween pictures of the here you go!
Anyways. Life is so busy with the move...if anyone wants a house, we'll give you a great deal. You can check out our house on the MLS the number is 3471900
Sydney helped me today make cookies, those christmas wreath ones with red hots. Yesterday she spent the whole day outside playing in the snow.
Carter is starting to get into Thomas the Tank Engine and liking SPROUT...It's kind of nice in the morning, so we can sleep in a bit.
Alli is eating rice cereal and fruits and veggies...she is liking it! She hasn't quite rolled over, but really kicks her legs to try and move forward.
Mark and I are boxing up things and putting them in a storage facility in town, so things aren't cluttered.
Please pray our house sells quickly.
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Big News!

Big News for the Krekelbergs!
We are Moving up to Ely, MN! Mark was offered a job as President of a Credit Union up there. We will be praying our home sells quickly, and he starts around the first of the year. If our home doesn't sell right away, I will stay back with the kids and do daycare, until it does sell!
So, if you want to buy our house! We will give you a great deal :)
Be praying for this transition for our family...we can definitely still keep in touch via blog/facebook... (plus Ely is only 3 1/2 hours from the cities)
Just wanted you all to know...and celebrate with us!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Alli's firsts...

Hello...this week we introduced rice/oatmeal cereal to Alli...she did really good! She was definitely ready for it. I am giving it to her 2 times a day. She hasn't quite rolled over yet, but she is minutes away from doing soooo...
I attended Mr. Tom Gardner's funeral yesterday, it was so inspirational? Can I say that? It was so motivating, to see such faithfulness in a person...You could compare him to Paul. He was so selfless and was so concerned for souls. I pray that I can be more Christ like in that sense. I think the best "line" at the funeral was from his son Miss. Dan Gardner, he said "My dad is probably looking down from heaven, feeling sorry for us, b/c we are down here and not up there with him/Jesus!"...WOW!!! I think that puts lifes problems and situations in perspective! Praise God for all the years that he let us get to know Tom Gardner.
I'm feeling quite exhausted from this past week...emotionally, spiritually and physically! Pray for me and our family.
Anyways...on a lighter note. We are going to spend the weekend with my grandma and sister. Just hanging out and enjoying each others company. I hope Mark get's his deer this weekend. He has spotted a big buck, but it's been too far away to shoot.
We planned a mini vacation for next Wednesday-Thursday so we will be heading up to Beautiful Ely, MN again!!!
I will have to post the photo of the kids. I am just too lazy to run upstairs and download the pictures, ever been there?
Anyways. Have a good Godly weekend.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

What a weekend!

The kids and I had a fun weekend at my grandma's in St Louis Park. We stayed over night Friday-Sunday.
Friday night was a girls night with the girlfriends...we ate, talked, did karoke, and drank virgin margarita's. It was a blast bonding the girls! Thanks guys...let's do it again soon!
Saturday, we took the kids to the apple orchard, where we picked 10 pounds of apples...and ate as we picked. We had lots of fun. In the evening, Melanie and I went to her missions conference at Grace church. It was really neat, they had a speaker "George Sada"...he was an advisor to Sadaam Huessin, and talked about being a christian dealing with Sadaam and how he was able to give God the glory and be the modern "daniel in nebuchadnezzer's court"... I got his book "Sadaams Secrets" talking about WMD and how much America is truly appreciated over in Iraq. It was nice to hear!
Today we went to church and out to lunch with my grandma.
I started drinking coffee! (I feel like a grown up now) Rebekah works at Caribou, so she is encouraging me to drink different kinds.
Mark went hunting and didn't see a deer...he had a relaxing weekend.
Oh, on a sad note. Today we found out Mr. Tom Gardner passed away! He was a true warrior of the faith and loved the Lord. He is up in heaven now, with NO PAIN, which is huge b/c he suffered quite a bit. Horner/Gardner/Peterson family's...know you are in our prayers!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Is Busy, an excuse?

We have been keeping busy, like the rest of you!
The kids had a Halloween party on Tuesday with the daycare kids...we carved pumpkins, did mazes, ate pizza! and more...they were all so adorable (Haellie-puppy, Sydney-snow white, Carter-mouse, Alli-pumpkin, Logan-red power ranger)
I did take Carter and Sydney out on Halloween, and we hit about 10 houses, before our church "halloween party"...the kids had a blast...
Well...I am heading south to spend the weekend with my sisters and grandma!
tonight is girls night! Can't wait!!!!!
I will post pictures later!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Life is Busy!

Hello you all!
Life has been keeping me busy, away from the computer.I will give you a quick update!
Our school had an auction, a week ago from Saturday, we spent the day with Mark's parents and enjoyed doing yardwork.
Sunday we had the start of missions conference last week. And I learned a new tip! If you boil sweetened condensed milk, it turns into carmel! Isn't that interesting...
Also, we went over to Jenny and Josh's house for a bonfire last Sunday night.
I have been keeping up with weight watchers and now am down 2.8 pounds! *Boy I wish it would come off faster than this, but it's better than gaining I guess!
Friday the kids and I made "ghosts" to hang in the tree and lined our sidewalk for Halloween...and Friday night we had a group activity at the Palm's house, bonfire. It was fun. Saturday I took Sydney to County Market to paint pumpkins and eat cookies.
Than, we took a spur of the moment trip up to Ely, MN...Ever been? takes FOREVER to get there, with 3 kids, 3 and under...oh was so BEAUTIFUL!! We saw every kind of animal from deer to timberwolves! Neat, huh?
I have Sydney's first dentist appointment tomorrow, she is EXCITED FOR!
Alli is getting so much older! She is enjoying her exersaucer now. And, she is just about rolling over, not quite, but she is getting close!
Carter had Croupe last week, and it was a little scary, but he is on a steriod and doing much better.

The kids and I went on a 3 mile walk today...and they are now, of course napping!
Got to go...Jennie Pahl...I have been thinking of you alot me if you can!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Relaxing day

Today has been a relaxing day.
It's chilly outside...about 45 degree's...but good news, the sun is popping out. The kids and I went outside enjoying the fresh air.
I am surprising Mark tonight, and taking him out for dessert at The Melting Pot, in downtown MPLS...I am excited!
Tomorrow we are going to the school auction, which should be fun. Hoping that they raise alot of money for our school.
I am going to try and take a nap...
I will try and post early next week.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dr Appt...

Alli had her dr appointment today. She weighs 15 lbs 12 oz. 25 inches. Growing great!
They're going to wait to see how her colon works with the rest of her body. Hoping she grows into it.
It was a good day!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Ho Hum Day

Today is a ho hum day.
I was going through my clothes, seeing what fits and what doesn't. I got a pile of clothes to go out.
I am watching Haellie all week. Logan is coming here after school soon.
The kids are really into hot wheels cars and matchbox cars. It's fun!
Alli pooped by herself today, yahoo!
I get weighed in today from Weight Watchers...I really enjoy the program. I have rediscovered apples and caramel, banana's and rice crispies, and much more!
We painted Carter's room brown this weekend, it looks so nice!
Well...better go wait for Logan!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Today is Micah's birthday!

We had fun...Car's was our theme...we went to McDonald's, he choose nuggets for breakfast, and we had some Angel Food Cake for dessert. He walked away with a few cars of his own from the kids...Brian and Haellie Opp came over to help us celebrate too...

Happy Birthday Micah! (I added a cute picture of Alli at the park)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Weight Watchers

My life is quite busy, so forgive me if I don't post as often as I use too...
I started Weight Watchers on keep me accountable in the food department! I have been doing well so far but, it's only Thursday. I try to power walk about 3-4 miles a day. I definitely have been cutting back my food intake and drink water only.
Alli is having problems pooping again! What a bummer! So, pray for her.
Sydney is so excited to start Awana program next week...she asks everyday.
Carter is loving books, and is saying alot more words. He says. Please, Cuse Me, Ball, Book, Alli, Ndiny, and more! He is so cute!
Alli is cooing, giggling and jumping in her johnny jump up! Loving it!
Today I have Micah, Logan and Haellie...they are all doing good. Micah fell asleep on the couch, Logan is driving his cars all over and Sydney is reading books.
Oh, for Christmas, Carter AND Sydney love hot wheel cars...Sydney is turning into a tom-boy with all these males all over!
Better go start dinner!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Snow White

Here's our Snow White Princess! She got these nice dress up clothes from our neighbors across the street! It's so nice to have such thoughtful neighbors (one time we had the teens over from church putting sod in, and she brought them over hot chocolate! and we didn't even know her AT ALL at that time!)...Thanks Pam.
Alli is getting so's fun to see what she laughs at differently each day. Yesterday we played pat-a-cake, and she giggled so was so, I introduced her to the johnny jump up, she loves it...she bounced a couple of times, but mainly she is looks around and giggles. It's so fun to have such a happy birthday.
Sydney starts Awana tonight! I am so excited for her to hid God's word in her heart!
Carter is doing great too, he's fighting a losing battle w/this diaper rash...but I am trying to keep on top of it.
Well, I am going to sign off! Have a great evening.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fun in the Rain!

We had a fun morning, in spite of the Rain! I told the kids to get their suits on and we could play in the rain today.
Logan taught Sydney how to find and collect they each had a cup full of them. Sydney finally got brave after an hour of watching Logan pick them all up for her.
They played tag, catch, golf, we spun them around and got them dizzy, Frisbee, races, there is a lot you can do in the Rain!
We are pretty I better make them some spaghettio's before quiet time than I think we will see a movie.
I am finally getting my hair highlighted tonight and colored. I can hardly wait!
On another side note. Alli pooped by herself this morning! Hip Hip Hooray! and, my sister Becka moved in with my grandma, pretty exciting for her!
Have a fun day with the rain.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Answer to Prayer

Well...we brought Alli in to the hosptial yesterday to see if she has Hershprong's Disease...and she does not! YEAH!
They said that everything looks normal down there, and she might just have a form of constipation, but they still don't know.
On a side note. I quit drinking all pop last friday, and she has been pooping by herself, so something in the back of my mind is wondering if that could possibly be the culprit? I don't know. But, God does
What a PRAISE! Thank you God.
(We went to the MOA last night and out to dinner w/my grandma and sister, it was a hoot)
Today is clean up day and shop fun
Have a good weekend

Friday, September 14, 2007

Just for Auntie Brenda

Hi Brenda...Here are some updated pictures of Alli, finally! She is heading to Children's hosptial today for testing on her colon! After that we will pick up daddy from work, and go out to dinner with my sister Melanie and Great Grandma Meyers! It should be a great day! All play and NO WORK! *Congrats to Char Horner for Graduating from Flight Attendant school! She looks so sophisticated and sheek in her new hair, nails, and her over all look! She looks great!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Life, Kids, etc...

Our days just seem to fly by, how about yours?
I miss the days when Mark and I were by ourselves, snuggling in bed watching TV w/dinner in our relaxing! Oh well...this busyness is good too..
Yesterday, it was pretty nice outside, the kids and I played out in the yard.
Today it's pretty rainy and windy, but I think it will pass soon, so we can go out later on, after quiet time.
Alli goes in to the dr should be fairly quick, and than I think we are hanging out w/Melanie for the night?
I really need my hair colored! It's been since June, when I got partial.
Volleyball tournaments this weekend at school...GO GIRLS!
I will update next time with pictures! :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Hello! I am loving this fall like weather we are having! Today is a bit windy, but nice!
The girls came over today for a play-date, plus I had my daycare, so it was pretty busy, but we had alot of fun!
An update on Alli...She is going to Children's in St Paul Friday for a "barium enema" to determine if she has Hershprongs Disease (part of her colon is dead, so they sew over the bad w/the good) or so they think. The test on Friday will let us know for sure.
This past weekend, we hung out garage saleing, I got a ton of best find is a "car" for the kids to drive, for only $2! Crazy!
We also went to my cousin's baby's 1st birthday party in was fun seeing relatives I haven't seen in a we bonded w/my sisters which I haven't done in a while!
Carter has dealing with a diaper rash, for a long time, so we are putting him through a few tests to see whats up...
Micah's mom graduates from "flight attendant school" on Thursday...Good Luck Char! Micah misses you!
Well, better get Carter some new clothes, he just dumped my water bottle all over my basement floor, chair, computer desk, etc...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Whew...Time just fly's!

Do you ever feel like time is just flying by? I can't believe it's been a week since I have posted!
Well, last weekend, we had a great Labor's Day weekend! We pretty much hung out with Mark's parents...b-bque, putting up the swing, going for tractor rides, and best of all...mosquito bites! They are out in full force around here, and I think every mosquito out bit someone in our family!
Tuesday I had the 6 kids again, and it was good.
Today I took Alli to the nurse for the rest of her 2 month shots.
We are praying whether we should keep our appointment for Alli on friday at Children's hospital. They want to keep finding out what is wrong with her colon. I will let you know if we find out something new.
Tonight is church, I think we are just going to get ready for the youth group garage sale.
Carter's new word is "peaz"...(don't worry Jennie, I am still teaching him to say the full word, I don't repeat his "peaz")
Hopefully I will post soon! :)

Thursday, August 30, 2007


You wonder, when you have days like today!
I am watching 6 kids today (3 are my own)...and it all started when Sydney was complaining about a headache, tummy ache....Well...she threw up! All over the living room and outside. (I think she threw up from the pain of her headache...she did this before w/an earache)
Than, I was taking Carter's pants off and out popped poop on my floor...He pooped in his swimming trunks! I had to clean that up.
Thankfully, everything else is settling down.
Glad I did my devo's today or I wouldn't have made it through w/out God!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Welcome Charlotte!

Congrats to Jeanna and Jeremy Zajicek, on the birth of Charlotte Corinne! She was born yesterday at 5:15pm...Weighing in at 9lbs, and 20" long.

She is healthy, and mommy is doing well...

Praise be to God.


Thought I would add some cute pictures of fun with Micah. Today, he's helped hold Alli. Help me bring all loads of laundry downstairs, help sort laundry...and even help make dinner for his daddy!
He misses his mommy too!...He says "love you mom"

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Updated pictures and such

Brenda, these picture updates are for you especially! Here are pictures of the State Fair.
Today has been an interesting day! I have 6 kids total...Ranging from 5 to 3 months! I was really concerned about it, but I figured...I better dig into my Bible in James to help me through the day. If I didn't have Christ to get through the day the kids & I would be in trouble.
I got up at the crack of dawn...and things just kept busy from there...
I got them all ready to go to the park, which is about a 1/2 mile away...and once we reached the park. It started to rain! Crazy...6 kids, 1/2 mile away at the park in the RAIN....we ran home and when we got there, it stopped raining! Crazy...
Oh well...They are all sleeping right now (yes, all 6 at the same time!) I am giving GOD ALL the credit for this one!
I better start dinner here or it won't be done!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Weekend and more!

We went to the Mn State Fair on Friday, it was so much fun...we had all three kids w/us...was that interesting! We had my favorite. Sweet corn! YUMMY!...and mini donuts were a close second.
Saturday was a relaxing day...hanging out at home and in the evening we went to our neighborhood block party. It was fun getting to know the neighbors better!
Sunday was usual. Church, nursery duties, and we had some friends over for some fellowship. Jenni and Josh Kidd. That was fun!
Today was the start of a new road for the kids and I. We are now watching 2 more boys. Mainly part-time.
We had fun w/Micah Horner this morning. We played around the house, went for a mile walk to the park...Ate lunch and colored...
And, this afternoon...we are having Logan over...we are watching him part-time as well...
I will keep you posted and update pictures...
I am tired, but need to start on dinner!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I just discovered much fun! I found so many people I haven't heard from, that website is great!
Thank you Melanie for sharing it with me!!!
Last night, we ended up going to Perkins for dinner, b/c I was so tired and didn't feel like making anything. I am making up for it today, I put in a roast and potatoes in the oven, so Mark will have a nice normal dinner today!
The kids and I were by ourselves today, it was SO MUCH FUN! We walked to the park (yes, my little Carter walked 1 mile by himself...he only fell 2 times!)...the kids played their little hearts out, and I and Sydney colored pictures for Grandma and Auntie Janet.
Now, I better take a shower, before church!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Zoo, tournaments, my b-day, etc...

Friday the kids and I went to the fair with our cousin Haylee, Great Auntie Janet, Grandma and Auntie/Uncle Black.
They had so much fun looking at all the animals...and exhausted!
This weekend, Mark had softball tournaments, in the pouring rain! They won 2 and lost was bittersweet when we headed home.
Sunday, was my 26th birthday, we had lunch at Jack and Nancy's and went to church, listening to Uncle Brandon preach. He did really well!
Monday, we kept busy watching Haellie Opp and grandma and Auntie's came over to play.
Last night we went to the Twins game to root, root root the home team...and it was a shame, they got slammed by the mariners.
Today, I brought Alli to the dr for her shots. She had 2 and one orall med. Next week we go in for the 3 more she needed...(I had the shots separated out so she wouldn't be exposed to the mercury...)
Anyways. I didn't make dinner tonight. So, let's see what we can find around the house!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Introducing....Haellie Opp

I am finally posting a picture of the little girl we play with during the day...Haellie Opp.
She is so GOOD! She loves to just watch the kids play and join in. Loves sucking her thumb and holding her blanket (it's adorable)...She is so content all the time. I am hoping her good spirit rubs off on my kids (not that they are good spirited, but just so they can learn her content attitude)...We love watching her!

Steele County Fair

We headed down to the Steele County Fair, and annual tradition in my family since I was 8 years old! I had to keep up the tradition!
We had so much fun. The kids saw alot of interesting animals, we rode rides for 4 hours with Sydney, Carter had a 2 hour nap and Alli kept my grandma entertained. It was loads of fun, my sister Melanie came along with us. Needless to say, we rolled in the driveway after 11pm last night and we are dragging tired today!
We have been pretty busy w/Sharon and Brandon Black who are in town as well.. I will try and post a picture of the kids, all the cousins...
Talk to you

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Who got into the markers?

Guess who got into the markers while mommy was vacuuming upstairs? You got it! Carter had it all over his face. I was laughing so hard, until I found out Sydney got out the glue and spread it all over the kitchen table! What a mess...I kindly explained...we only do crafts with mommy, not by ourselves. I hope they got it!
Our day was pretty laid back, just hanging out at home, cleaning and making dinner!
Talk to you all later...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Pictures of Last week

Here are some pictures of the fun we had last night up in Brainerd...We got, Alli being a beach bum and Mark w/the kids roasting favorite!

Funny Story!

I have a funny story about Alli, while we were up in Brainerd last week.
She has a weird poop schedule, usually every 5 days, and I think it is due to her large colon.
We were out for lunch at Rafferty's pizza in town and I could tell Alli started pooping...well, she kept going, and going, and much that she had it squirting out of the side of her diaper. It looked like a volcano, pushing and pushing out. (I was holding her, while she was going, and Mark had just left to get a soft drink refill) While it was spilling out the side, I had it fall on the coloring papers you get at the restaurant. I rushed her to the bathroom, trying to contain my composure.
It was cleaned up in 5 minutes...but it was the funniest thing we have seen in a while!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Last week!

Well, it's been a while since I have posted on my blog. We have been out-of-town!
Monday & Tuesday the kids and I headed up to Detroit Lakes, MN to visit my grandparents and aunt and uncles up there...the car ride was SO LONG! We were relieved when we were able to get out and run! Melanie met up with us in Little Falls, so she was able to spend 2 days with us.
The kids played with my cousins (weird I know), they had so much fun! We went to see my cousins in the BMX races. It was so neat to see these little kids race bikes. They even had a girl and a boy who were 3 years old racing!
Wednesday we headed back to Brainerd and spent through Sunday at Mark's grandma's cabin. It was a rough ride there...Alli cried, I had to pull over a couple of times. I think the kids were sick of riding in the car.
Thursday we hung out at the lake, the kids loved getting rides in the paddle boat, playing in the sand...and chasing Mark around. We stopped and hung out at the Crow Wing county fair for the evening.
Friday we trucked into Pequot Lakes and hung out at crafters market, gander mt and the park.
Saturday we played at the lake in the morning and Grandma and Grandpa Krekelberg joined us for the weekend at the cabin.
Sunday we went into Pequot Lakes for the craft sale, ate lunch with Grandma/pa, and headed back to the cabin for a nap. We had to head back to "reality" in the evening, it was a long car ride again....but we made it back.
Today was recovery day for us all! Catching up on household duties.
Tomorrow we are starting to watch Haylee, so we will let you know how that goes (part time, temp job for me) PTL

Friday, July 27, 2007

Carter, exhausted from lunch...

Carter couldn't keep his eyes open after he had his lunch. He was all tuckered out...(his outfit is compliments of grandma nancy...something Mark wore when he was a little boy!)
The day flew by...We barely did anything (it seemed)
Carter and Sydney helped me make banana bread and some jello pudding, along w/a roast for dinner...
The kids had of those quick/boring days...
Ever have days like that?
I had a baby shower to go to this evening for Kelly. So, Mark took the kids to his parents for some play-time.
I will sign on again soon! Have a FABULOUS weekend!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Sydney attended VBS last night at BLBBC, she really enjoyed it. They really do it up there...they got the popcorn, snow cones, cotton candy, fish pond, pictures, etc... It looks really cool! Anyways, we are going back again tonight.
Carter and Sydney have been home during the day lately...and playing in the pool. I took a picture today of it, so I will add it later on.
Alli has slept from 10:30pm-6am the past few "knock on wood" she will keep that pattern up!
She is growing up so quickly. She smiles and coo's at us.
It looks like we are getting some pretty bad storms soon...and I hear Alli crying for some food!
Post later on!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Here are my 3 little musketeers...
We had a good day today.
Alli slept ok last night, I got a 5 hour stretch and than a 2 hour stretch...
Sydney is working on no pull-up's at night so we had some issues changing her pants in the middle of the night. Thankfully Carter slept through everything.
We had a play-date w/our friends today. The kids played in the pool, had lunch and watched Nemo.
Just got home, so I better go finish supper.
The kids and daddy are picking up grandma from the airport. They can hardly wait to see her. And tomorrow starts the first day that Sydney will make BLBBC's VBS.
Talk again

Monday, July 23, 2007

Our Weekend

Well, we had a great weekend, enjoying our new deck. Mark put together his new grill (you can't have a new deck w/out a new grill!)
We had some friends over and had a blast Friday night...Fure and Shannon, it was fun catching up with them! Their little guy Jack is so cute....we will be praying for you guys this week as you move!
Saturday, I was running errands, looking for a new patio set, which I didn't find. Sydney spent the day at Grandpa's wearing him out!!!!
Sunday, we had Junior church again, the kids were really good, and we had an interesting evening service, hearing how our teens went to Mexico! They all seemed to learn the power of prayer which is huge! So, if you have any prayer requests, let me know, and I will be happy to post them, and please pray for those on my list! Thanks!!!
Well, Mark is on his way home from his softball game, they were playing Fourth's good team, so lets cross our fingers and see if they won!
I will be posting tomorrow or the next day...
Talk to you...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Our Get-a-way

The kids and I had a "get-a-way" up at Ruthy and Jon Horner's home...
We had so much fun!
They live about 2 hours north in Pequot Lakes.
We went from Tuesday-Thursday...Sydney loved playing with Zoe, learning the concept of sharing and playing house, dr (which is quite interesting if you ask me), dress-up, church, and more!
Tuesday we went to Cheryl and Mike's home (so use to calling it their cabin, but it is their home now) and the kids went swimming and ate dinner.
Wednesday we went to the turtle races in Nisswa and we enjoyed our first movie theatre experience (don't ask me why I waited until I had 3 kids before I introduced a movie theatre experience! went well. We saw "Rattatouile" was a cute movie.
Thursday, we woke up late and just played around until we left after lunch.
We are safe and sound at home, eagerly anticipating the arrival of MARK!...
Talk to you all later.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Brenda's Delivery

If you are interested in Brenda's delivery information, I thoguht I would type it for you...
She had about 15 hours of labor, 1 hour and a half of pushing...She did get cut, so she wouldn't tear.
She had an epideral and was able to sleep for a few hours, so she was rested...
She is nursing well, baby is happy and they are both enjoying being parents.
Nancy (brenda's mom) is on her way down to see Brenda, Thursday-Tuesday...
We are so excited for our new cousin/neice FAITH
Love you all down in NC

Sunday, July 15, 2007


How exciting!!!
Brenda had her baby, Saturday July 14th (our anniversary) at around 5:30am.
Faith Breanne was 8lbs 12oz, 21 3/4 in...has some dark hair, and resembles Sydney.
I haven't gotten to talk w/ I can post details later.
Mark and I celebrated our 6th anniversary at VALLEYFAIR, all day long Saturday. Thanks to wonderful friends. Jeff and Char Horner, they took ALL 3 kids for us! We had a blast, and so did our kids! THANKS GUYS!!!
We had a good week last week, Mark won his softball game.
Sydney was able to play with her friend Brone for 2 days while they were in town, gathering their things.
Carter and I had dr appointments, and Carter had some shots...he is healthy, in the 75% for height and 50% on weight. So, just right!
Got to gooooo...Alli's hungry...OH, she's getting so big!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Our Weekend

Our weekend was pretty good.
It started off w/the kids in the pool Saturday's so hot. I think we need something to complain about, so we complain when it's hot and we complain when it's cold...I feel like we are the children of Israel.
We went to a birthday party for Mark's aunt, it was so fun, we had subway sandwiches and cold stone creamery cake. It was divine!
We have Junior church this month, so we get to tackle the little 3,4,& 5 year olds at church on Sundays. It went really well. Our church had a service in the park yesterday afternoon, but I don't know if they did it due to the rainy weather. We couldn't make it b/c it was too hot for the kids, plus we were all napping.
Last night, we had a new couple over at our house. Jenny and Josh Kidd. They have a little girl named "Rissa" that is close to Sydney's age. So, they ran all over playing dress up, while we tried to talk. It was fun fellowship...We enjoy grown-up conversations every now and again. Thank you Jenny and Josh!
Well, I have to get Carter and Alli up for Mark's softball game tonight. So, I am signing off.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Happy 4th of July to you all!
We had a fun 4th. We spent it at Mark's parents house. His grandma and aunt made it out along w/his other Aunt and Uncle Salley. The kids played in the pool and we had a nice b-bque...we were in bed around 10, so no sitting out doing the whole fireworks scene for us this year.
It was nice to have a day off for Mark in the middle of the week. Something to rejuvenate him for the rest of the work week.
Thursday was a nice day, we got Alli's pictures taken and ran a few errands, avoiding the heat indoors (we bought a pool)
Friday, I kept the kids outside most of the day, we played in our little kiddie pool. Played at the park. And just enjoyed the outdoors (we kept Alli inside for most of the day)!
We are dreading the hot weekend...but, I guess it's better than snow! :)
Tomorrow we are going to Aunt Janet's birthday party...we are always up for some ice cream cake, how about you?
Signing off for now. I got to hit the sack.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Carter ran away...

It's a rainy today, which our grass/shrubs/flowers are loving!
Carter ran away for the first time today :)...he as mad at me b/c he wanted a toy that Sydney had, and wouldn't settle for anything he carried his little legs down the block crying...(he got 2 houses away, while Sydney and I watched, trying not to smile) He realized that we weren't coming to get him, so he rounded the mailbox and headed back home. I hope that was the first and only time he runs away from home!
This past weekend was relaxing. We went grocery shopping, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gardner (pray for him, he is in a lot of pain), and taught Junior Church.
Pretty typical weekend.
Hope all is well with you!

Friday, June 29, 2007


I am so glad that it is Friday today! That means we get Mark the whole weekend to ourselves.
Today was a fun day for the kids and I.
Some friends came up and we went to the park and than out to lunch at the kids favorite... McDonalds!
Sydney and Maddie played tag and a few other make-believe games...
Carter and Eryn ran around trying to catch up to the big kids...and Mackenzie loved swinging.
Tonight we are going to have Becky/Chris over for dinner.
Carter took a tumble out of the wagon on the way home from the park...his head has a scrap and it bothers him every once in a while. Sydney fell out too, but she cried just b/c she was worried about sensitive child.
Alli is doing good...she had two 5 hour stretches last night! it was nice for me, b/c I was exhausted.
I am catching up on lots of laundry! Got to goooooo...have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Alli Update

Well, yesterday was a big day! Started at 4:30am. And I AM TIRED!
Back to Alli.
She did good with her sedation medication and her MRI. We stayed in the hospital for an additional 12 hours, so they could observe her. Her observation was uneventful (thankfully).
The Ultrasound Tech's were pretty quiet about what they saw/didn't see, but the nurse who was with Alli the whole time said that they didn't find anything. PRAISE THE LORD. But, that is unofficial, so still waiting for my dr to call us back and let us know for sure.
But, thank you for your prayers. GOD is GOOD...I am sure she is fine, and whatever it was is now gone, thanks to your prayers!
She is such a good/content baby.
Carter and Sydney had a fun day at my mom's house. My sisters kept them entertained. Carter's latest thing is making sounds of a "cow" and "snake".
Sydney loves mothering him, and she is really good at it.
Oh, Alli started cooing today and smiling back at us! Cutie!!
I am signing off for now, but thanks again for your prayers.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Weekend, sleeping in until....

It's burning hot!!!!!
This past weekend was nice! We were all so excited when Mark came home from work Friday night, knowing that we had him to ourselves the next 2 days...and no work!
Friday night, we dropped Sydney off at VBS (which she loved), and went to one of our teens graduation open houses...
  • Saturday, we all slept in until...get this...10:00am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe it?! Praise the Lord...was our phrase of the day...
We hit JcPenny's to return a curtain, and also Costco.
We had our church bring in a meal Sunday, and we skipped our annual church picnic at the Peterson farm, b/c it was in the 90's...and it was too hot for Alli...or any of us for that manner.
We relaxed in the A/C.

Monday was pretty fun, we had some errands to due in Coon Rapids, and we came home for a hour and half nap...which was great.

Mark played softball in this drenching heat last night. We couldn't go again, b/c the air quality was bad, not to mention the heat!

Mark's team won both games by a landslide. Their record just keeps getting better.

  • Today, we are hanging around home, I am holding Alli as much as I can, b/c she goes in for her MRI tomorrow. She has alot of nasal congestion, but she is pretty laid back about, it stresses me out more than her.
For now...I am going to sign off...Please pray for Alli that she does well w/her MRI!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Fun at the park! we are trying to start a regular routine (the best way for the kids and I to keep my sanity, I think)
The kids and I took a walk down to the park. It's about a half mile away, and Sydney was a trooper, and walked the whole way! Carter and Alli got pulled in the wagon. We were a sight!

Carter truly misses Mark. He makes us all miss him even more...his famous saying is "dada, dada, dada" and we hear this all day long! He gets excited as soon as Mark walks in the door...Carter achieved climbing the ropes at the park, my little dare devil keeps me on my toes!

Sydney is such a sweetie at the park, she runs and catches Carter, and makes sure he is ok and helps him down when he is stuck. She also has her own "baby" that she likes to fact, she pushed the "Baby" to the park w/us.

Alli enjoyed the ride to the park, but got hungry half way through. That's always awkward. Oh well, we dealt with it, and are full! :)She is more alert the past 2 days...which is a blessing...She is so cute!
I can hardly wait for Mark to get home tonight, b/c we have the weekend together! YAHOO!Mark and Sydney are going strawberry picking tomorrow, and we have church Sunday.Well, I am off to a nap and to get a quick lunch!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Please pray for Alli

Please pray for Alli...she is going to have an MRI, next Wednesday June 27th.
The big deal is they are going to sedate her, and she will only be 3 weeks old!
Just pray that whatever they find, that it isn't serious or be gone!
They found a mass by her bladder while I was pregnant with her, and we have done alot of tests and couldn't find out what it last resort is the MRI...
Please pray for her...she's a sweetie!

Our Party of Five

Hi Everyone
Starting a Blog, right along with most of way to keep in touch w/out using the phone.
Our Family is up to the "party of five" now.

Mark is working at Diversified Credit Union (, and has been for the past 3 years. He is Lending Supervisor and multi-tasking in many area's of the credit union. He is a huge asset! (I like to brag on Mark)
He is church clerk for our church, helps in the nursery, teaches Junior Church, and much more.
Mark has been busy putting in some nice landscaping for our home and keeping up our lawn. The kids adore him and want to call him during the day b/c the miss him. He plays with the all the time, and they admire him. He is a wonderful daddy (and husband)

I (Krista) am at home full time...not working outside the home (yet). I love spending time with my kids, being outside and taking them to the park. I have girls days w/my girlfriends from's so fun...catching up with them, asking them for advise or just venting/vegging... As a family we love going up north to the cabin in Brainerd. (and now visiting family friends Ruthy and Jon Horner)

Sydney is the oldest at age 3 1/2...a HUGE help to me, sweet and sensitive. She is a darling. She loves playing dress up in her room and playing mommy to her dolly's and Carter. She loves reading books and going to the library for story time. She misses her buddy Rosie Newland, and enjoys playing with her other buddies from church!

Carter is ALL boy. No questions asked! He is ACTIVE, loves throwing anything that might resemble a ball (or not)...drives his trucks and cars across any surface, and talks a little, mainly momma and dadda type stuff. At 15 months you better watch out!

Alli is our newest addition to the family! She is so low-key and nondemanding. She is a sweetheart, we all love holding her, and sometimes fight over it!

About Me

I am a wife and mother of three beautful children. I like to keep busy up here in Ely, since there isn't much to do. Sydney is in preschool, and I take the kids to ECFE every week. I am starting a ladies bible study 2 times a month and am also leading another bible study, twice a month. We love hiking, boating, fishing and going on dates together...we love our new life up here in Ely!