Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Weekend, sleeping in until....

It's burning hot!!!!!
This past weekend was nice! We were all so excited when Mark came home from work Friday night, knowing that we had him to ourselves the next 2 days...and no work!
Friday night, we dropped Sydney off at VBS (which she loved), and went to one of our teens graduation open houses...
  • Saturday, we all slept in until...get this...10:00am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe it?! Praise the Lord...was our phrase of the day...
We hit JcPenny's to return a curtain, and also Costco.
We had our church bring in a meal Sunday, and we skipped our annual church picnic at the Peterson farm, b/c it was in the 90's...and it was too hot for Alli...or any of us for that manner.
We relaxed in the A/C.

Monday was pretty fun, we had some errands to due in Coon Rapids, and we came home for a hour and half nap...which was great.

Mark played softball in this drenching heat last night. We couldn't go again, b/c the air quality was bad, not to mention the heat!

Mark's team won both games by a landslide. Their record just keeps getting better.

  • Today, we are hanging around home, I am holding Alli as much as I can, b/c she goes in for her MRI tomorrow. She has alot of nasal congestion, but she is pretty laid back about, it stresses me out more than her.
For now...I am going to sign off...Please pray for Alli that she does well w/her MRI!


Ruthy said...

I'm SO SO SO glad you're on the "blogging" train!! How fun! We will keep sweet Alli (AND you!) in prayers tomorrow morning. I was telling Jon about it, and he was so concerned. We'll be thinking of you! Hey - any word on Brenda yet?

Ruthy said...

How did Alli do on Wed.?

About Me

I am a wife and mother of three beautful children. I like to keep busy up here in Ely, since there isn't much to do. Sydney is in preschool, and I take the kids to ECFE every week. I am starting a ladies bible study 2 times a month and am also leading another bible study, twice a month. We love hiking, boating, fishing and going on dates together...we love our new life up here in Ely!