I realized, I didn't post any Halloween pictures of the kids...so here you go!
Anyways. Life is so busy with the move...if anyone wants a house, we'll give you a great deal. You can check out our house on the MLS the number is 3471900
Sydney helped me today make cookies, those christmas wreath ones with red hots. Yesterday she spent the whole day outside playing in the snow.
Carter is starting to get into Thomas the Tank Engine and liking SPROUT...It's kind of nice in the morning, so we can sleep in a bit.
Alli is eating rice cereal and fruits and veggies...she is liking it! She hasn't quite rolled over, but really kicks her legs to try and move forward.
Mark and I are boxing up things and putting them in a storage facility in town, so things aren't cluttered.
Please pray our house sells quickly.
Have a great weekend!
Krista - how are you doing with the move! just thinking about you! Keep in touch! Merry Christmas! can we get together again before you go?
Hi! I am doing great with the move.
Things are crazy, but lets get together. I might be coming down that way, once a week b/c my sister will be doing counseling in Richfield.
I need your address!!!
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