My life is quite busy, so forgive me if I don't post as often as I use too...
I started Weight Watchers on keep me accountable in the food department! I have been doing well so far but, it's only Thursday. I try to power walk about 3-4 miles a day. I definitely have been cutting back my food intake and drink water only.
Alli is having problems pooping again! What a bummer! So, pray for her.
Sydney is so excited to start Awana program next week...she asks everyday.
Carter is loving books, and is saying alot more words. He says. Please, Cuse Me, Ball, Book, Alli, Ndiny, and more! He is so cute!
Alli is cooing, giggling and jumping in her johnny jump up! Loving it!
Today I have Micah, Logan and Haellie...they are all doing good. Micah fell asleep on the couch, Logan is driving his cars all over and Sydney is reading books.
Oh, for Christmas, Carter AND Sydney love hot wheel cars...Sydney is turning into a tom-boy with all these males all over!
Better go start dinner!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Snow White

Here's our Snow White Princess! She got these nice dress up clothes from our neighbors across the street! It's so nice to have such thoughtful neighbors (one time we had the teens over from church putting sod in, and she brought them over hot chocolate! and we didn't even know her AT ALL at that time!)...Thanks Pam.
Alli is getting so's fun to see what she laughs at differently each day. Yesterday we played pat-a-cake, and she giggled so was so, I introduced her to the johnny jump up, she loves it...she bounced a couple of times, but mainly she is looks around and giggles. It's so fun to have such a happy birthday.
Sydney starts Awana tonight! I am so excited for her to hid God's word in her heart!
Carter is doing great too, he's fighting a losing battle w/this diaper rash...but I am trying to keep on top of it.
Well, I am going to sign off! Have a great evening.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Fun in the Rain!

We had a fun morning, in spite of the Rain! I told the kids to get their suits on and we could play in the rain today.
Logan taught Sydney how to find and collect they each had a cup full of them. Sydney finally got brave after an hour of watching Logan pick them all up for her.
They played tag, catch, golf, we spun them around and got them dizzy, Frisbee, races, there is a lot you can do in the Rain!
We are pretty I better make them some spaghettio's before quiet time than I think we will see a movie.
I am finally getting my hair highlighted tonight and colored. I can hardly wait!
On another side note. Alli pooped by herself this morning! Hip Hip Hooray! and, my sister Becka moved in with my grandma, pretty exciting for her!
Have a fun day with the rain.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Answer to Prayer
Well...we brought Alli in to the hosptial yesterday to see if she has Hershprong's Disease...and she does not! YEAH!
They said that everything looks normal down there, and she might just have a form of constipation, but they still don't know.
On a side note. I quit drinking all pop last friday, and she has been pooping by herself, so something in the back of my mind is wondering if that could possibly be the culprit? I don't know. But, God does
What a PRAISE! Thank you God.
(We went to the MOA last night and out to dinner w/my grandma and sister, it was a hoot)
Today is clean up day and shop fun
Have a good weekend
They said that everything looks normal down there, and she might just have a form of constipation, but they still don't know.
On a side note. I quit drinking all pop last friday, and she has been pooping by herself, so something in the back of my mind is wondering if that could possibly be the culprit? I don't know. But, God does
What a PRAISE! Thank you God.
(We went to the MOA last night and out to dinner w/my grandma and sister, it was a hoot)
Today is clean up day and shop fun
Have a good weekend
Friday, September 14, 2007
Just for Auntie Brenda
Hi Brenda...Here are some updated pictures of Alli, finally! She is heading to Children's hosptial today for testing on her colon! After that we will pick up daddy from work, and go out to dinner with my sister Melanie and Great Grandma Meyers! It should be a great day! All play and NO WORK! *Congrats to Char Horner for Graduating from Flight Attendant school! She looks so sophisticated and sheek in her new hair, nails, and her over all look! She looks great!

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Life, Kids, etc...
Our days just seem to fly by, how about yours?
I miss the days when Mark and I were by ourselves, snuggling in bed watching TV w/dinner in our relaxing! Oh well...this busyness is good too..
Yesterday, it was pretty nice outside, the kids and I played out in the yard.
Today it's pretty rainy and windy, but I think it will pass soon, so we can go out later on, after quiet time.
Alli goes in to the dr should be fairly quick, and than I think we are hanging out w/Melanie for the night?
I really need my hair colored! It's been since June, when I got partial.
Volleyball tournaments this weekend at school...GO GIRLS!
I will update next time with pictures! :)
I miss the days when Mark and I were by ourselves, snuggling in bed watching TV w/dinner in our relaxing! Oh well...this busyness is good too..
Yesterday, it was pretty nice outside, the kids and I played out in the yard.
Today it's pretty rainy and windy, but I think it will pass soon, so we can go out later on, after quiet time.
Alli goes in to the dr should be fairly quick, and than I think we are hanging out w/Melanie for the night?
I really need my hair colored! It's been since June, when I got partial.
Volleyball tournaments this weekend at school...GO GIRLS!
I will update next time with pictures! :)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Hello! I am loving this fall like weather we are having! Today is a bit windy, but nice!
The girls came over today for a play-date, plus I had my daycare, so it was pretty busy, but we had alot of fun!
An update on Alli...She is going to Children's in St Paul Friday for a "barium enema" to determine if she has Hershprongs Disease (part of her colon is dead, so they sew over the bad w/the good) or so they think. The test on Friday will let us know for sure.
This past weekend, we hung out garage saleing, I got a ton of best find is a "car" for the kids to drive, for only $2! Crazy!
We also went to my cousin's baby's 1st birthday party in was fun seeing relatives I haven't seen in a we bonded w/my sisters which I haven't done in a while!
Carter has dealing with a diaper rash, for a long time, so we are putting him through a few tests to see whats up...
Micah's mom graduates from "flight attendant school" on Thursday...Good Luck Char! Micah misses you!
Well, better get Carter some new clothes, he just dumped my water bottle all over my basement floor, chair, computer desk, etc...
The girls came over today for a play-date, plus I had my daycare, so it was pretty busy, but we had alot of fun!
An update on Alli...She is going to Children's in St Paul Friday for a "barium enema" to determine if she has Hershprongs Disease (part of her colon is dead, so they sew over the bad w/the good) or so they think. The test on Friday will let us know for sure.
This past weekend, we hung out garage saleing, I got a ton of best find is a "car" for the kids to drive, for only $2! Crazy!
We also went to my cousin's baby's 1st birthday party in was fun seeing relatives I haven't seen in a we bonded w/my sisters which I haven't done in a while!
Carter has dealing with a diaper rash, for a long time, so we are putting him through a few tests to see whats up...
Micah's mom graduates from "flight attendant school" on Thursday...Good Luck Char! Micah misses you!
Well, better get Carter some new clothes, he just dumped my water bottle all over my basement floor, chair, computer desk, etc...
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Whew...Time just fly's!
Do you ever feel like time is just flying by? I can't believe it's been a week since I have posted!
Well, last weekend, we had a great Labor's Day weekend! We pretty much hung out with Mark's parents...b-bque, putting up the swing, going for tractor rides, and best of all...mosquito bites! They are out in full force around here, and I think every mosquito out bit someone in our family!
Tuesday I had the 6 kids again, and it was good.
Today I took Alli to the nurse for the rest of her 2 month shots.
We are praying whether we should keep our appointment for Alli on friday at Children's hospital. They want to keep finding out what is wrong with her colon. I will let you know if we find out something new.
Tonight is church, I think we are just going to get ready for the youth group garage sale.
Carter's new word is "peaz"...(don't worry Jennie, I am still teaching him to say the full word, I don't repeat his "peaz")
Hopefully I will post soon! :)
Well, last weekend, we had a great Labor's Day weekend! We pretty much hung out with Mark's parents...b-bque, putting up the swing, going for tractor rides, and best of all...mosquito bites! They are out in full force around here, and I think every mosquito out bit someone in our family!
Tuesday I had the 6 kids again, and it was good.
Today I took Alli to the nurse for the rest of her 2 month shots.
We are praying whether we should keep our appointment for Alli on friday at Children's hospital. They want to keep finding out what is wrong with her colon. I will let you know if we find out something new.
Tonight is church, I think we are just going to get ready for the youth group garage sale.
Carter's new word is "peaz"...(don't worry Jennie, I am still teaching him to say the full word, I don't repeat his "peaz")
Hopefully I will post soon! :)
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About Me
- Krista
- I am a wife and mother of three beautful children. I like to keep busy up here in Ely, since there isn't much to do. Sydney is in preschool, and I take the kids to ECFE every week. I am starting a ladies bible study 2 times a month and am also leading another bible study, twice a month. We love hiking, boating, fishing and going on dates together...we love our new life up here in Ely!