Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bible Study update

Just updating you guys on my Bible Study. First, thank you for praying, it truly helped!
We started out by addressing the fact that there have been some questions and asked them to please feel free to ask...So, they unloaded, great questions...Who wrote the Bible? Is divorce ok if you are getting abused? How do we know if our pastor is decieving us? Can you argue someone's belief? Is the Bible open to interpretation or is black/white?
I was so excited that they are really searching and not just wanting to do our bible study for social's truly to have purpose...
So they decided they wanted to first study the validity of the Bible first and than move on w/the the next 4 lessons are going to be from a study called "examine the exidence". We address all their questions, plus have an opportunity to accept Christ...HOW EXCITING!
Couple of prayer requests...these women would be saved, Kristi's family is struggling w/their job up here due to some threats by college kids, my testimony to be real and that I desire God w/my whole heart! THANK YOU!

1 comment:

Shannon Fure said...

Sorry to keep bringing up books - but I just read Ruth Graham's Every Pew Has a Broken Heart - very heavy emotionally,but very good and helpful in reminding us to rely on God through those things. I thought of the women- they may like it and you, too. She is a studier like you!

About Me

I am a wife and mother of three beautful children. I like to keep busy up here in Ely, since there isn't much to do. Sydney is in preschool, and I take the kids to ECFE every week. I am starting a ladies bible study 2 times a month and am also leading another bible study, twice a month. We love hiking, boating, fishing and going on dates together...we love our new life up here in Ely!